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Neutral Man

04/18/08 9:35 AM

#47447 RE: Neutral Man #47424

Taking on CASH and Profits Selling our Apr44 calls!

Sold to Close, Apr44 calls at 2.51 (480), .80 gain post as $38.40 with 480 contracts!

Daily goes to $38.40 and counting, Wowza!

You go BOYZ!
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Neutral Man

04/18/08 9:38 AM

#47449 RE: Neutral Man #47424

Taking on CASH and Profits buying Back our Apr47 puts!

Bought to Close, Apr47 puts at .55 (480 contracts), 1.07 gain, post as $51.36 with 480 contracts!

Daily goes to $89.76, Whatda... Off da-Charts, Howda, Whoda, it's da-Boyz stupid!?

We'd like to Thank da-Bears (Shorts), for their desire to Cover Dare SorryAsskies, WooHoo, Thanks Shorts!

You go BOYZ!

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Neutral Man

04/18/08 10:00 AM

#47458 RE: Neutral Man #47424

Using our Gains to Buy May43 calls here boss!

Bought to Open, May43 calls at 3.63 (160 contracts)!

We'll DOUBLE up on dem dare Puppies if da-Boyz let the Q's fall to 46.00, or NOT, LOL!?

You go BOYZ, Dup-em, DUP-em RAL GOOD, da-Shorts dat is!?
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Neutral Man

04/18/08 10:57 AM

#47477 RE: Neutral Man #47424

Placing an Order to Sell 1/2 our Apr46 calls!?

Order to Sell to Close, Apr46 calls at .62 (160 contracts)?

No gain on these but getting your money back can be a gain as well, LOL!?

Let's see if da-boyz can Huff, Puff, and Blow us outta deeze Puppies!?

C'mon Boyz, you can do it, LOL!?

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04/18/08 1:58 PM

#47541 RE: Neutral Man #47424

NM, Just wondering, how do you determine the Pivot Point price for each Monthly OE?
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Neutral Man

04/18/08 2:12 PM

#47546 RE: Neutral Man #47424

Taking on Huge Losses as we Buy Back our Apr41 calls sold Short!

Bought to Close, Apr41 calls at 5.76 (160), -2.84 loss, post as $-45.44 with 160 contracts!

Daily goes to $50.75 (96.19 - 45.44)!

This looks bad but we were carrying this at a $-30.40 loss starting today so only an additional $-15.04 in losses!

We still have the Apr43 calls Short to contend with, currently sporting a hefty Loss!

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Neutral Man

04/19/08 2:44 PM

#47614 RE: Neutral Man #47424

AprOE Final Numbers?

And what an OE it was with a New YTD record gain of $47.31 posted, WooHoo!? That was quite an accomplishment as we ended the day on 17Apr with a $-10.48 Net Liquidation Loss, Wow, Friday was a once in a Lifetime occurrence for sure!?
OE Pivot, 43.09, close on 20Mar
High, 46.93, up 8.9% (hew high, 18Apr)
Low, 43.28, up 0.4% (Wow, the low of the OE period is above the Pivot, Whatda!)
Close, 46.71, up 8.4% (closed within pennies of our OE Target, 46.86)
Spread, 3.65
PM, 8.9%

We Finished the AprOE with the following Open OE Port positions, all of which expired Worthless (see detail below with the losses incurred)!

Short positions (expecting the Q’s to go Down), controlling 128k shares
Apr41 puts at 0.33 (160), bought long
Apr44 puts at 0.49 (640), bought long
Apr45 puts at 0.40 (160), bought long
Apr46 puts at 1.63 (320), bought long

Long positions (expecting the Q’s to go Up), controlling 32k shares
Apr47 calls at 0.36 (320), bought long

We normally take some Serious losses on OE day but this OE was totally different as we posted some Wacko-Gains that helped off-set over $-74.00 in losses (closed our Apr41 and Apr43 calls sold short with steep losses on-em), and helped us end with a daily gain, Whatda, Thanks Shorts, LOL!

As we traded in and/or out of Both puts and/or calls intraday and unloaded same day and longer term positions. Hence our AprOE profits increased by $ 21.47 to $154.03 as we started the day with $132.56 in profits!

In addition, we had Several Open positions Expire Worthless as shown below. As we’ve indicated for several years now, Options Expiring Worthless is in our Charter and we actually celebrate the losses on those positions as they’ve been sacrificed for the Good of the Game!

These pawns, bishops and knights played a KEY role in our ability to post $47.31 in gains during the AprOE period and we raise a Glass of Fine Wine to their contributions, here’s to the ability to navigate the Game Board and DUP da-Boyz outta their coveted COIN, Now dat be what I’m Talkin bout!

That said, these remaining positions have served their purpose, good for them, but now we take our New YTD Record Net Gain, $47.31, and leave-em for Dead as we reset our OE Portfolio and ready the troops for the next game, da-MayOE Game dat is, WooHoo!

EXPIRED WORTHLESS (In the Love-of-the-Game Memory we Salute their valor with our Net Gain Victory)

Apr41 puts (160) at 0.33 – 0.00 (close) = 0.33 x 16 = $ - 5.28
Apr44 puts (640) at 0.49 – 0.00 (close) = 0.49 x 64 = $ - 31.36
Apr45 puts (160) at 0.40 – 0.00 (close) = 0.40 x 16 = $ - 6.40
Apr46 puts (320) at 1.63 – 0.00 (close) = 1.63 x 32 = $ - 52.16
Apr47 calls (320) at 0.36 – 0.00 (close) = 0.36 x 32 = $ - 11.52

Net gain/-loss posted for above open positions at the close = $ -106.72

Gain/-Loss History:
JanOE, $10.40 (up 20.2%, $10.40 into 51.85 = 20.2%)
FebOE, $18.28 (up 40.3%, $18.28 into 45.35 = 40.3%) ($36.50 in gains less $18.22 in losses)
MarOE, $45.95 (up 105%, $45.95 into 43.82 = 105%) ($92.43 in gains less $46.48 in losses)
AprOE, $ 47.31 (up 110%, $47.31 into 43.09 = 110%) ($154.03 in gains less $-106.72 in losses)

We use the OE Pivot to calculate gains as most players would have been playing the actual QQQQ ETF itself and since we play ONLY Options we take our gain and divide it into the OE Pivot number for our percentage gain! For the JanOE it was 51.85, 45.35 for the FebOE, and 43.82 for the MarOE!

We hope that everyone was BOTH entertained and educated on the possibilities of Knowledge and what one can do if they know da-Rules, da-Boyz rules dat is!

As always, we’d like to take a Moment to bow our heads and give thanks accordingly! In addition, we’d also like to take a moment to give a shout out to da-Boyz and their awesome ability to Manipulate prices into our Profit-Zones, Boyz, You ROCK!

In summary, you can Follow TA, Chart, Fibs & Lies players, you can have Seven Monitors a blasting, six indicators a blinking, five trading strategies unfolding, four setups configuring, three planets aligning, two hands a typing, and ONE GLENO a shouting, but unless you're making Money, it’s nuttin but an EGO-testicle experience now is it, LOL!?

People, we are an Elite Market Force and yes, we do manipulate the markets from time-to-time (get over it), but in the END, we REALLY do want YOU to make MONEY, da-Boyz Gold Club Members dat is, LMFAO - AGAIN!

If you THINK you’ve been playing Dis-Game as prescribed, visa vie, you’ve read all the TA, Chart, Fibs & Lies books, and you think you’ve got what it takes, well, THINK AGAIN! We’ve written sooooo much about how all those Books, Videos, Lessons, etc. etc. are the Teaching’s of NONE other then, Da-BOYZ club, OUCH!

Imagine following the VERY Tools dat da-Boyz themselves have Spoon Feed the Masses, what kind of results could one expect following the Lion into it’s Den, dats right, if you said “Deadly results”, you be Correct!?

I know I PUT it to the TA, Chart, Fibs & Lies players and it’s really NOT Fair as they Know NOT what they do, well, they didn’t know until they read our message, but hey, who’s keeping track, LOL! If one continues to go forward using these Tools then one can expect the SAME Result time and time again and there’s only ONE outcome for said prescription and it’s DEAD-ly, OUCH!

In da-Meantime, da-Game continues in Full_Court_Jester_Mode and we intend to Bee Dare Breathing it IN, DUP-ing da-Boyz, and getting a RUSH that far exceeds all others! And ALL those that read and follow our charter could enjoy such a Profiteer-ing adventure if they’d just THROW OUT EVERYTHING they’ve ever learned and go wit da-Flow, da-Money Flow dat is, How Seeeeeeeeeeeeet is Dat, WooHoo!?

Warm regards to ALL and may God Bless EVERYONE, even da-Boyz, LOL!