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04/16/08 5:00 PM

#17144 RE: nukem #17142

I hate to break it to you nukem, but these guys can and will continue to do whatever they want with no repercussion. No one is monitoring them and they can be as non-compliant as they want, as they have been over the last decade. Remember the safe-harbor that said management will not be liable for fraud? This whole thing is a fraud that they disclaimered themselves out of.

With the whole Elgindy thing you would think this company would be clear of this type of behavior, but they always seem to find a way to racketeer the system. They somehow found a way to name drop Bear Stearns and Shaw Stone and Webster to legitimize this charade to outsiders.

They drive the price down to $.18 for these jerk-offs at long lane capital, drive the price up to $.77 (probably for long lane capital again) with a bogus PR and now we are back nearing $.18. We have sat idly by as DB ravages us from the inside out, watched scam after scam unfold before our very eyes and for what? For a carrot that has all but withered and died.
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04/16/08 5:13 PM

#17145 RE: nukem #17142

its all safe harbored, they are accountable for nothing, unless you can prove something illegal took place.....good luck, and even of you do, I'd bet the "blood from a stone" theory applies for IA, despite all their assumed "Dubai money".....

example from their (IA's) PR below....did NSOL just get a lucky carrot fall into their lap, with this "unsolicited TO" that was sent to a non-standard Co address?????.....if so, very lucky least short-term it was, long term its just another credibility shadow if there is no TO (competent management should be able to determine if a TO is for real, or just hot air, and I don't mean that "real" is just filing the TO with the this point, I think IA would not be that stupid and keep the charade going by filing without available funds....but nothing surprises me anymore, who knows)....

maybe they could use the "general economic condition" excuse.....lost all their Dubai money after a $1 bet concerning frozen concentrated orange juice, or something like you think the SEC gives two flips about this, with all the bigger market abuses going on???? (which is why I think penny stocks should be banned, if the SEC can't stop the abuses because they don't have the resources, cut the problem out at the root.....or give 'em a chance, with something like 10 safe-harbor strikes and you're out rule, or whatever, just SOMETHING that holds these penny Cos responsible for miss after miss not made in good faith....if management of a penny stock is so bad to not realize their "business plans" are flawed, WTF are they doing running a public Co???....also, where are the shareholder votes for many of these Cos, they're run like dictatorships, with message boards claiming 51% control, but no filings proving this....WTF there as well???)..

another great example of safe-harbor abuse, IMO:

"""This press release contains forward-looking statements that involve risks and uncertainties concerning Inter-Americas' acquisition of Nuclear Solutions, Inc. Actual events or results may differ materially from those described in this press release due to a number of risks and uncertainties. The potential risks and uncertainties include, among others, ability of the parties to complete the proposed transaction; the successfully integration of operations and employees; and general economic conditions."""