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02/24/02 7:25 AM

#5081 RE: lunasea #5080

Greetings from lunasea's husband. Back from faraway places.

Boy, if my mommy knew how to use the Internet, she'd tell you a thing or two.......

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02/24/02 8:53 AM

#5083 RE: lunasea #5080

Lunasea's Husband-Re: Far away Places.

Oh cummon, tell the sixth grade class what we are all really dying to know. Did ya get laid in any of those far away places?

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02/24/02 1:17 PM

#5084 RE: lunasea #5080

Luna/Not that you need, want or deserve an explanation...

...but I am going to provide you with one.

It is true that many of us have known each other for about 2 years. (Funny, I never thought of that as a negative.) For me, I came to the boards to see what they were like, post my views on things, etc. I did not expect that friendships could be formed through this, but it was a nice added bonus. I have communicated both privately and publicly with many of the people here, which has provided me with an insight to their total personality. Some of them have helped me through some troubled times and hopefully, I have done the same for them. And for this you mock us. Go figure.

I think I can safely say that all of us have friends outside the Internet. Some of my friendships I have had for over 30 years, so my friends here are considered new to me. You once posted something at PI about the fact that you have few, if any, friends. I cannot remember the exact post, but you mentioned that you did not care for the area you lived in and didn't like the people. You hinted, or at least my impression from the post, was that you felt superior to them and detested their political views. I remember so much of this post because I thought what a shame for you. I have friends (and relatives) who politics I detest, but still realize that they are good people. Besides, only associating yourself with people with the same views makes for a very one-dimensional person.

You called many of us immature. I admit that at times I can be immature here. That is because in "real" life, I have to be an adult. I view these boards as a release for me to really say what is on my mind. I have enough ass-kissing to do in my job, therefore I sure as hell won't spend any time kissing yours (or anyone's).

I spend varying amounts of time online. When I am out of town, I usually post in the evenings, but try not to get too heavy. This week and next, I am in town, so can spend more time online. I check in over the weekends, if I have time. I have never, nor will I ever, allow the Internet to run my life. You seem to spend a lot of time here. I suggest for the sake of you and your children, that you form real relationships with people, and not just in cyberspace.

Now as for Dennis - you think we have all turned our backs on him. I am uspset with him because he lied to me. He said, if I objected, he would not give you this link. I don't like it when people lie to me. That is why people are upset, not because it is you who are here. Some of us will forgive him, some will not. Just remember, it has nothing to do with you.

So there you have it. A little bit of insight from me. I don't really care if you believe me, or care about what I say. You see, your opinion of me doesn't matter. No one's does, with the exception of a select few - both real and in cyberspace.

I just hope that you will understand what it means to be a friend.

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02/24/02 2:23 PM

#5088 RE: lunasea #5080

Re: Greetings from lunasea's husband. Back from faraway places.

A few questions Mr. Luna. Why does your wife wish to associate with such immature and childish people such as us? And, do you tell people you've just met what you don't like about them to their faces, even if there are some things you do like about them? Do you share confidences with your friends and expect them to remain as such? If so, what is your reaction when confidences are betrayed...are you cheerful or angry?

You won't accomplish much here by attempting to put ANYONE on the defensive.


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02/24/02 4:10 PM

#5097 RE: lunasea #5080

Lunaseas (Husband ??)

Before the meowing (and I am foremost in that catagory) started, I went to considerable lenghts to tell your 'wife' to lighten up on her ME, ME and oh yes, MY INCREDIBLE ME_________whatever. A LOT OF PEOPLE DID. Only after considerable time when she said, "yes, yes, I see what I'm doing and how that might strike others as a preoccupation with myself and could be therefore intrepreted as annoying. I understand what you are saying. I will address that immediately! Thank you, thank you for your input! I really do want people to like me!" THEN the very next post, "I want the world to know that I have a fabulous Rodin like ass. It is truly splendiferous! (WHAT???) My spirituality is so much more highly evolved than yours that you should be greatful that you can even post on the same board as I!" (Again WHAT???) Then who the hell was I talking to that said they understood why others might find those statements said day after day after day, post after post after post, ANNOYING!
So I vented among friends. You, who know absolutely no one here feel free to complain about your students. Go figure.
We have a diverse group on these boards. Retired military women, working mothers, chemists, biologists, college kids. Some of us have high pressure jobs some work at home, some travel all over. The point is Chief, that with such a diverse group of women, how is it that Luna doesn't really click with any of us? Just the men? And not ALL of them. Maybe it isn't us but her. And maybe you ought to get the full story of what actually went on before mounting your horse, or perhaps...just perhaps....she isn't quite so honest as you think.
Whatever the 2 (??) of you think, she is unhappy. She is unhappy where she lives, (a whole region, especially in the New South cannot be filled with just native Virginians, who are Christian crackpots. There are nearly as many Northerners down here and Californians (can't figure that out but they are here) as there are native born) And anyone who spends so much time talking about how great her body is, is uncomfortable with it for whatever reason. Goes ditto for the marriage.
The U.S. Coast Guard goes to Estonia? Who knew. Have a safe trip.

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was Graywolf

02/25/02 2:33 PM

#5132 RE: lunasea #5080

Greetings to Mr. and Mrs. Lunasea

I find it interesting that you read all these massages, and come down calling everyone here childish, without acknowleding your wife's participation - our more accurately, instigation of the remarks that went her way. All you have to do is to find the four post "rant" she made on the other board, and you'll see what I mean. She's pissed off almost as many people as Righton, and that's a major accomplishment. One of the passages in the Bible that is actually true is that you reap what you sow. Jeanie sows antagonism, condescention and amatuer psycology. So she reaps anger. Why would that surprise you?

I read your post to me, and I'll accept the apology - and even offer one in return, because I also let my temper get away from me sometimes.

As you said (and as you can tell from reading what I wrote for your husband), it doesn't change my opinion of you either. "Narrow perspective" is a matter of perception. Naturally, you think you have the most open of minds, and you say I think in a narrow perspective. Well, the same is true in reverse. I know that I have an open mind, and have shown that here on the boards in that I have reversed my opinions on some subjects after discussing issues here. To me, it is your perspective that is narrow - different, but narrow. As far as "simplistic thinking" goes, I go with Einstien on that - things should be kept as simple as possible. When simplicity is the better way to go, I support and think in simple fashion. When more complex views are needed, I expand my thought patterns to find a solution because I see no simple answer - but I always look to the simple first, because if there is a simple solution that accomplishes the same or better results than the complex, the simple is a better way to go. I am a computer network systems engineer, and my specialty is troubleshooting - I'm very good at it. A narrow perspective is not conducive to success in my field. Many of the issues that you and I discuss have simple answers. You don't like simple answers. You prefer the complex. That doesn't make your perspective broader, it just means that your narrow perspective is restricted to the complex. There was an inventor who thought this way. His name has become synonomous with overcomplication - Rube Goldberg. I am not being mean here, only trying to show you that the labels you try to hang on people of being narrow come from YOUR OWN narrow perspective.

I have no problem remaining civil with you. I do it with Righton - and THAT takes patience<g>. I sometimes lose my temper - and had been doing so more frequently with the demise of my marriage. In case I have dumped some of my ire on you undeseredly, I will apologize for that. But I'm becoming myself again, and my world is beginning to open up for me, so that shouldn't be too much of a problem anymore. I am learning to live alone, and also learning to take control of my own life, instead of living it for another, and it feels pretty good.

Wow, I went on longer than I thought I would, and I apologize for running on. I hope you muddled through the entire post, though, because it is how I feel.

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04/08/02 11:48 AM

#5598 RE: lunasea #5080

Quasi sent me this link about a week ago, and I didn't have that much time to really glance at the board until the other night. Anyways, b/c I was just reading back through some of these posts, then it might be why that name over at PI popped out at me so quick.