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02/25/02 8:55 AM

#5108 RE: Meme #5088

So to answer your questions. I know they were asked to Hubby, but maybe my perspective may help.

Why does your wife wish to associate with such immature and childish people such as us?

Because alpha females can sink this low sometimes, but as catty as they can be, they can also be just as nice and loyal. Do I want to hang with everyone? No. If I have to like everyone, then no I don?t want to be here. Rather than sink to their level, though, I am just going to ignore them in the future. I am better than that <G>

Thing is, I am a package deal. You don?t get line item veto on me. People don?t work that way. If you are too immature to accept and deal with that, then no I don?t want to be here. I think that you are better than that though. I come on the net to play also, not to be changed. I noticed that your frustration comes from not being able to change me. How arrogant is that? Who are you to determine that *I* should be different? It is sort of like being intolerant against intolerance.

You don?t have to like all of me, just accept me as I am. I like Indy, but his Carville routine drives me nuts. It isn?t sexy, even if it can be wise. Maybe one reason I don?t like it is because I don?t put on personnas, but another is because I never could putt that one off no matter how hard I tried.
do you tell people you've just met what you don't like about them to their faces, even if there are some things you do like about them?

You keep your feelings compartmentalized. I cannot do this. I am mildly dissociative and have spent a great deal of time and effort reintegrating myself. That is what makes me so unique and attractive. 2 Faced might have been a bit strong, at least in your case. Sometimes it is hard for me to remember how ?normal? people are. And let?s not get into the ?I think I am better than anyone else? crap. Different? yes. Who here is going to argue with that? Different does not equal better, at least in my book.

You kept your feelings compartmentalized because you liked parts of me. Do you want to throw that away because someone tried to pit us against each other? That was the impression I got from your first post to me. It went from being frustrated because you couldn?t get through to me, to tossing the whole package away. Just because I saw your frustration and that you thought there were bad parts, didn?t mean that I wanted to give up. I wouldn?t have come here if I felt that way.

So do you still feel that way? Are there still some thing that you do like about me? Like I said, you don?t have to like all of me, though as you understand me better, you may change your perception about those parts (I operate under vastly different paradigms than anyone I have ever met). Just accept me as I am. Tell me when you think I am being an ass, no more nudges and I promise I will evaluate the situation. Don?t expect me to agree with you or change though.
Do you share confidences with your friends and expect them to remain as such?

I didn?t betray anything. I can understand how you feel that way. At the very least a certain someone said he would give y?all 24 hours. I don?t think a couple was sufficient. We all got sandbagged on this. To be honest, knowing what was said about me, I would have given it a week (but by that point I would have been off line, so someone had to work fast). Even 24 hours was *not* enough time.

If so, what is your reaction when confidences are betrayed...are you cheerful or angry?

Angry, but I wasn?t the one who did the betraying, so the anger is misplaced when directed at me. At first I didn?t realize what was really going on. I didn?t know that we were all being played. I thought it was just an honest mistake, and as such compassion was what was called for. I don?t know the history that you guys do, so I made my assessment from my limited knowledge.

But if you wanted to get to know someone and were presented an opportunity, even though the circumstances weren?t ideal, what would you do? Would you go into the room say ?Hi. It is all water under the bridge, let?s start from scratch? like I tried to or would you hide? I know you are angry at the situation, but *I* am not the situation. I am a person.

You won't accomplish much here by attempting to put ANYONE on the defensive.

Was this directed to Hubby or me? If it was me, I was trying to avoid this. I offered one question as a humorous way to clear the air. Then it was all water under the bridge. Y?all say that you don?t even fully know each other after 2 years. A few months is long enough to make an accurate assessment about me? I figured that you just didn?t know me well enough.

There is no need to be defensive with me, even in your opinions about me. You keep talking about being entitled to your private thoughts. What you fail to realize about me is you are entitled to have those thoughts even if they are public. I never said ?How dare you think that way about me.? Such thoughts don?t have to be private with me. I prefer they not be, but I can understand if you want to compartmentalize your feelings about me.

Are we going to let one persons machinations to kill anything nice you thought about me? If you were trying to keep this part ?secret? my guess is that you wanted to give me a chance. Don?t let him take that chance away. The only thing I told Terra is that you bring out the worst in him. I was going to tell him that before I saw anything you wrote. He said he was sorry that you guys hurt me (which he gathered from my interactions over at PIMB) and I said that some nasty things had been said about me, but he hasn?t a clue that you have said anything about him. That is as far as it is going to go.

So the choice is yours. I will be back on-line in a few weeks. I will check in then. If you want to toss everything, I can understand. I hope that you don?t, but I don?t have any control over you.
