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02/24/02 12:24 AM

#2209 RE: Brady #2208

After reading through my previous post I found several errors in syntax. That seems to be the nature of these boards, but I apologize nevertheless.


02/24/02 4:52 AM

#2212 RE: Brady #2208

Brady, Thank you for your input. I have a friend from
Amarillo, who I think, was also at the meeting. However,
I am guessing he is going to spend the week-end in Dallas,
so I will not get his read on the deal until Monday

I am concerned that they are projecting to have
a prototype some time this summer. That says to me that
we are going to have to wait somewhere around 6 more
months minimum, and our "burn rate" appears to be around
$1 million per month.

They mentioned financing. Does anyone have any idea what
kind of financing they may be able to get. I'm wondering
what will happen IF they do not get financing, and IF it is some time in the Fall before a Prototype is ready for testing.

How long did it take Lucent to test the Prototype that
had too much noise? It seems like it was somewhere around
4 months, if memory serves me right. That suggests that we are looking at somewhere around 10 months minimum, before we have the evaluation of the prototype. That means, we need at least $10 Million minimum, right now, to get through the testing phase. Am I looking at this all wrong?

Admittedly, it has been a long time (nearly 18 months) since
I have done any "snooping" around about this company, so my concerns MAY be totally OFF BASE. I wish Ray was taking a salary more like around $80,000 per share, as there just CAN'T be that much for him to do at this point----or am I off base here?

I am really intrigued with this company, and I really want to
have a piece of it. BUT, right now, it still seems a little
too speculative to be laying SERIOUS MONEY on the line. I
could handle a small risk, at this time, but, to think about
putting SERIOUS MONEY on the line makes me a little queasy.

I really wish Ray would voluntarily cut his salary, and base
the bulk of his "comp package" on "stock performance". That would make me feel REALLY BULLISH! I wonder if there is any
chance he could be persuaded to do that.

I apologize if I sound a little too cautios, but I have been through 2 years of "unknowns" in a stock I put ALL the proceeds
from my sale of NVIE, and it has been a REALLY uncomfortable time for me.

That company finally reported REAL revenues in their 10-Q, that was released a week ago Friday, and the stock has gone down, despite the fact that management has totally turned
this company around, and "burn rate" is not even a consideration. SO, what I am saying is that, until
a 10-Q is released on NVEI, showing REAL revenues,
the stock may have a problem moving up.

Do any of you have some comments? Take care, and sleep tight! Tom


02/24/02 8:54 AM

#2214 RE: Brady #2208

Thanks for your post.


02/24/02 1:20 PM

#2218 RE: Brady #2208

Thanks for sharing Brady.... honest, level-headed post...good job, and glad you got a chance to put some faces with names that have become familiar to you over the past two years.

Thanks again.

Definitely looking forward to the two "milestones" you speculated about coming to pass... I suspect at least one of those may come much sooner than later given the chatter I hear.
