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03/19/08 2:12 AM

#10100 RE: Uncle Meatball #10098

20 cents a day is NOT a king's ransom in Costa Rica (nor even close to standard labor costs in that nation). Let's get real here.

The Jatropha beans have to be hand picked like coffee since just as with coffee, the beans do not mature simultaneously. It is a labor intensive job since no machines can be used. Assuming they were able to get the kind of yield they are claiming they will get, they would need many laborers. For example, why do you think coffee from South America costs four to five times the price of coffee from Vietnam? It is prinmarily in the labor costs. And don't forget, Aziz is claiming he is going to develop 100,000 hectares of Jatropha fields. lol @ that.

You can not , as you say, get roughly 33% of the bean oil production in the first year compared to that which a tree would produce in three years In fact, until a tree is three years old it will not even produce consistently. I would like to see where you found information like that because it conflicts with every article on Jatropha cultivation I have read. The truth is that Jatropha is still not really domesticated and only recently have geneticists started to work on trying to improve the plants. That is why very little Jatropha diesel is currently being produced anywhere in the world.

Lastly and most importantly, Mr Hirji has made no advancements in the cultivation or production rate of Jatropha. Until just recently, he was still hawking the same "wood portal" he was hawking for the past several years under various penny stock banners.

As far as your comments concerning me, I just tell it like it is. If this guy was legit, he would not be getting in bed with Pedro, Terrell and the FPA scammers.

I often talk about stocks I like. Most of the time I am right and sometimes I am wrong, but I have never been wrong about a scam. Not once. Not ever.

You can produce roughly 33% of what a full Jatropha tree would produce at three years....
That being said, the construction, planting and harvesting of Jatropha will not cost the 10s or 20s or even millions you claim. One or two "skilled" workers and the rest working for .20 cents a day (a kings ransom) and you can see where this is going.

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03/19/08 6:47 PM

#10544 RE: Uncle Meatball #10098

Go get em Uncle Meat LOL ball !!!!!!!!!!!! Hog ::))