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03/15/08 5:22 PM

#160969 RE: Ispro #160968 SKS ...I had an opportunity to attend the Data Protection Summit for the first four hours...I can tell you that SKS is head and shoulders above the vast majority of the executives presenting at the summit. I believe that SKS needs to concentrate less on the sales calls and MORE on the evangilizing of Trusted Computing with the mass media. We need to create a "buzz" around the concept of trusted computing....and SKS is one of the best...IMHO. The plain truth of the matter is that most IT managers know NOTHING about TPMs. I'll give you an example, one of the hospitals that our group covers is part of a large health system. The health system is in fact a large client of guess who....You got it...DELL. A few weeks ago, I had a meeting with the IT manager of our hospital to discuss an issue involving the OR. I noticed that he had a large number of Lattitude laptops sitting in his office in their DELL boxes. I asked him if he knew anything about TPMs and the Trusted Computing movement....the answer was....he had never heard of them. NOW THINK ABOUT THIS....Here is an IT manager of a facility whose corporate office is a large client of DELL...and he knows NOTHING about TPMs. I spoke to the IT manager a few days ago and informed him that I was at the Data Protection Summit....he said something to the effet of...interesting...our corporate office is looking into data protection options. (Yes...I have contacted Wave...and they will contact the Dell agent who is servicing this contract.)

The sad fact is that very few IT managers know what their machines are capable of. There is an incredible amount of ignorance out there amongst the IT managers who are on the front lines.

