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Iron Lotus

03/06/08 3:47 PM

#31308 RE: tchalla #31298

I disagree 110%. with the amount of shares in this thing, they would have to sit there buying back 500k share blocks for weeks on end to move this thing anywhere. heck, even 9 mil. blocks would take a long time to move this thing. you cant throw pebbles at a building hoping to knock it down....and thats what 500k share blocks are.....pebbles. I think the 500k is just MM's sending them back and forth IMO.

but as usual....people will agree with the better sounding side of the argument.


03/06/08 7:20 PM

#31417 RE: tchalla #31298

I have to ask a question, people say that the mm's hold the price down, I always thought that the price moved on supply and demand, if enough people want to buy they bid the price up until people who hold the shares are willing to sell and they get filled. The mm's job is to keep liquidity in the market place so if you want to buy at the ask you will get filled and if you want to sell at the bid you will get filled even if no other share holder is willing to sell or buy, the market maker is supposed to take the other side of the trade. I realize that this is pinky land and I guess anything is possible with these stocks, I just thought that was the way it was supposed to work. So I don't know how the mm can hold the price down if everyone wants to buy. Thankyou