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02/28/08 8:08 PM

#115709 RE: jdaasoc #115708

Well, with the real Fed Fund rate at -2%, it's not surprising things are yielding so low.

Many large banks are insolvent, monolines are insolvent, GSE's are basically insolvent, and probably 10% of American's are insolvent.

I think the best solution may be to merge with Canada and sell Quebec and California to China, provided they take Barry Bonds, Paris Hilton, and Britney Spears too. We could give them Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to sweeten the deal.

The proceeds could be used to bail everything out, pay down some of the government deficit, and pay for badly needed lobotomies in Washington.

If we wanted to, we could either re-take California by military force or threaten to have Lex Luthor induce the mother of all earthquakes, making them give it back to us by blackmail.

The destruction of houses in California from an invasion would go a long ways to solving the housing troubles there.