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03/29/04 12:24 AM

#38555 RE: Chris McConnel #38545

Republicans under investigation
by kos
Sun Mar 28th, 2004 at 16:53:13 GMT

For the record, there are no high profile investigations of any Democrats right now. Too bad the same can't be said about Republicans. In no particular order:

*The Senate's top cop investigated Republican hacking of Democratic accounts and theft of thousands of documents. After finding probable cause for wrongdoing, the Senate Judiciary Committee recommended the Justice Department undertake its own criminal probe.

*The House and Senate Intelligence Committees are both investigating intelligence lapses heading up to the Iraq War.

*The Senate Intelligence Committee is investigating Bush's pre-war lies about Iraq's WMDs and ties to al Qaida.

*Rove, Cheney's entire political team and others are being investigated by a Justice Department special prosecutor for leaking the name of a covert CIA agent (Plame) to discredit her husband -- a critic of the administration's trumped up charges that Iraq was seeking nuclear material in Niger.

*Can anyone forget the 9-11 commission?

*HHS Inspector General Dara Corrigan is investigating administration lies about the true cost of the Medicare bill. Remember, not only did the Bush Administration undercount the costs (from $395 billion to $521 billion), but then threatened an auditor with his job if he revealed the true numbers.

*The General Accounting Office is investigating the fake "news reports" the White House created to promote the Medicare law's new prescription drug coverage provisions.

*And being the gift that keeps on giving, the House Standards of Official Conduct Committee and the Justice Department are both (and seperately) investigating bribery allegations as the administration and its congressional allies twisted arms to get the necessary votes in the House to pass the Medicare bill.

*Tom DeLay is under criminal investigation on whether his Texas political action committee (Texans for a Republican Majority) improperly financed the GOP's takeover of the Texas legislature. DeLay has already signaled he may be forced to step down from his leadership post (even if just temporarily) if indicted.

*Connecticut Governor John Rowland is being investigated by federal prosecutors for a shockingly brazen level of corruption. Even the state's GOP establishment has abandoned the governor, and impeachment proceedings are likely unless he resigns his post.

That's not including lawsuits against the administration, such as the one attempting to force Cheney to reveal a list of attendees to his Energy Task Force meetings. You know the ones -- the meetings Cheney conducted in secret when he should've been convening meetings of his Terrorism Task Force (which didn't meet at all before 9-11).

You've gotta love these guys.