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02/23/08 3:19 PM

#100 RE: joepcf #99

Im sure with the rev share program being set in place will reverse that debt in the near to far future, since they get a cut of 20% on the profit on each vend of popcorn without having the assets. It is only a matter of time if they continue on this new path. Meaning say they sold 2000 machines to all investors, they will get 20% of all profits. Watch and learn, if they can hang on LOL.
I wish I was in there shoes, however I have to pay for each machine to get a 20% profit of income, they don't. GET IT ???
Everyone gets a piece of the pie.

On Each dollar vend
20% cost of popping corn,cups,butter
20% goes to schools
20% goes to the buyer of the machine
20% Goes to the outsouce maint team.

If they keep doing this for years to come, they will dig themselves out of this hole and it will get as big as microsoft (AKA leasing there software) just from the income from the vends.


02/23/08 3:20 PM

#101 RE: joepcf #99

Im sure with the rev share program being set in place will reverse that debt in the near to far future, since they get a cut of 20% on the profit on each vend of popcorn without having the assets. It is only a matter of time if they continue on this new path. Meaning say they sold 2000 machines to all investors, they will get 20% of all profits. Watch and learn, if they can hang on LOL.
I wish I was in there shoes, however I have to pay for each machine to get a 20% profit of income, they don't. GET IT ???
Everyone gets a piece of the pie.

On Each dollar vend
20% cost of popping corn,cups,butter
20% goes to schools
20% goes to the buyer of the machine
20% Goes to the outsouce maint team.

If they keep doing this for years to come, they will dig themselves out of this hole and it will get as big as microsoft (AKA leasing there software) just from the income from the vends.