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goin fishn

02/13/08 10:54 PM

#4760 RE: Weby #4759

Weby-that merits a sad lol

You would think that we would eventually learn. FWIW, I voted for Bush twice, because I didn't like the democratic candidate either time, I also hoped that the Republicans would follow through on their promise to limit government growth and bureacracy. In 2004, I was concerned that we would leave Iraq too soon, leaving behind a new Afghanistan. Little did I know that the Republicans were going to make the old "tax and spend" Democrats look like the fiscal conservatives. I knew by 2004 that Iraq was probably a mistake, but thought that we were obligated to clean it up.

Moral number 1- be careful what you ask for, for a politician has a ready smile and nod, but a deficient moral sense.

Moral number 2- Trust not in Washington (Wavoids take heed...)

I am mightily intrigued by Obama, but luckily I don't have to decide yet. Meanwhile, the speeches are fantastic.