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02/13/08 11:17 PM

#4761 RE: goin fishn #4760

As to politics

I think the problem has been that we were fighting the cold war so long -- communism v. free market capitalism that when communism suddenly disappeared and the Internet, which was a significant factor in the disappearance, created vast new economic opportunity -- the Democrats forgot who and what they were. Free Market Capitalism is not the Democratic Parties Tradition. They allowed the Republics for several decades to say Tax and Spend when the Democratic Party was built on Invest in government projects that free market capitalism cannot or will not do. Did the Republicans build TVA? Did the Republicans build the Manhattan Project? Did the Republicans build Social Security?
Did the Republicans create the technology of miniaturization and NASA?

Our enormous economic success has been based not on free market capitalism, but on a balancing of capitalism with projects designed to employ the middle class and create wealth through large scale innovation. The conservatives killed the goose by saying it was one not the other.

I suspect that we may now get some leadership that restores the sense that there are things that are done BETTER by BIG government because it NEEDS to be done not because there's a profit to be made. At heart, we took the Reagan revolution too far. WE THE PEOPLE need to do things that sometimes can't be done by the free market -- which is never free and often a monompoly rather than a market. As the Greeks said three thousand years ago...Moderation in all things!!!

The Silent Middle seems to have found its voice and it's almost certainly socially tolerant and fiscally responsible.

Let's see what kind of Congress gets elected. I suspect that the real fight is going to be over who gets elected to Congress in 2010 because Trippi was right...The Revolution will occur not on TV, but on the Internet and it will continue. The Internet shines and spreads light faster than town criers, radios, tv or any other media. Truth will Out and Trust can return. Let's hope we have enough time before Mother Nature cancels our lease on the planet.
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02/13/08 11:51 PM

#4762 RE: goin fishn #4760

WOW, an Obamican is born! Weby I almost fell off the couch when I read that going fishin is intrigued by Obama! Per a previous conversation from a previous time you should understand that going fishin represents a tribal almost instinctive reactionary slant to modern american conservatism (written in the kindest manner possible believe it or not). To read in his own words that enlightenment (O.K. maybe enlightenment is a stretch) has arrived via the Senator from his home state almost brought tears to my eyes as the laughter born from the comprehension of his words words rang in my head!!
As you have probably already discerned going fishin is a scholar and historian worthy of any college classroom and historical undertaking. To see the acknoledgement of the man and the movement is a very telling sign of the recent growth of the Obama movement that is transforming the American political culture. Book it, Obama is your next President of the country. To witness conservatives, who are as far right leaning as a group as going fishin have traditionally been, awakening to the realizations that the Bush/Rove world view has failed our nation can only be characterized as an amazing turn of events. The same conservatives are now also willing to acknowledge publically such failures they once staunchly defended. Suffice it to say the moderate middle has already made this disconnect with these failed policies, and as Chris Matthews said this very morning on MSNBC, there is an angry backlash vote (fueled by war politics, politics of fear, and outrageous deficits) emerging as middle american white males see their collective future hitched to the words and vision of the country's first African American president. Well all I can say is this brings to mind the famous Reagan commercial that a previous generation once saw ("It's Morning in America")and this reminds me of the same type of transforming movement that can change the course of a nation and its people.


-Hillary Clinton knows its over.
-John McCain is the "Mondalian" sacrificial lamb.
-Dead man standing comes to mind.
-MR. Obama your table is ready!

Mr. McCain do you think holding a press conference with 20 of your favorite over 70 geriatric crowd standing behind you only helps your opponent paint a picture of just how out of touch your party and your bid for the presidency are with generations of younger americans? The symbolism contained within is both delicious and pathetic. The next nine months are going to be exciting times! Stay tuned! Going fishin, you made my day old friend :)!!!!!!!!!!!
