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Replies to #151 on Site Suggestions

mAjOr dAmAgE

02/16/08 8:28 PM

#155 RE: Mod Squad 4 #151

My opinion is it shouldn't be too big brother in that regard. Ihub already has many levels of dealing with posts from mods, to mod squad, to admin, to report tou, to jail, to ban, to boot.

If you mark a poster and literally stalk him it might be over the top.

I only say that because, without going into it much, I had an issue where a poster's posts were repeatedly deleted even if there wasn't really a TOU, and it was just a matter of him being stalked with the reputation that everything he did violated TOU.

I simply don't think a "watch this guy's messages" flag is appropriate given the levels of monitoring that presently exist.