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02/09/08 12:50 PM

#45203 RE: grongron50 #45189

Great post! Only 1 clarifacation (i think) final O/S 997m(RVGD set aside 20m shares for bridge financing) but these also may be Restricted. but i am comfortable in saying WE will Know this information in due time :) GLTU

d indian

02/09/08 6:09 PM

#45253 RE: grongron50 #45189

Hi all my new friends on the RVGD board. Did youse miss me. Think PETER has been sticking it to the investors here, using CARNES as a front, or with him as a partner. In my opinion one big setup. REASONS.

[1] AS shares supposedly 400,000,000. But seemed to be tradig like 600,000,000
[2] CARNES drops the 240,000,000 share threat. No one seemed to care that left PETER with 760,000,000, if the PREFERRED numbers are right.
[3] KHISTLER was fired according o certain posters on this board, for suggesting the answer was to raise the AS.
[4] Here is where the fun began. CHAD showed up dressed in white. Once again pushed by certain posters, to help him become the IR rep. Got the job.
[5] First order of business mention something about a $80,000,000.00 contract, 'coming soon', to take place over 4 years, verify the AS was only 400,000,000, was just the float getting out of hand. About this time, what seemed like a well planned surge of posting, about a MAROSS squeeze was in progress, or about to start. Once again CARNES name was at the head of the list.
[6] MOMO going good, sucked in a lot of new investors. Chad drops a bombshell. AS was going to about 1,400,000,000 shares. He has done exactly what KHISTLER was suppose to have been fired for, raised the AS almost 1,000,000,000 shares. MAJOR RED FLAG HERE.
[7]With CHAD'S new numbers, easy to see the AS will be over 2,000,000,000 in less than 6 months from today. Of course that dirty CARNES has did this all by himself. Don't think so.
[8] Share price dropping like a rock in a deep well. The short squeeze hypers have disappeared. eVERYONE WAITING FOR DAMAGE CONTROL, WHAT A JOKE????? No the handwriting is on the wall. This company is not what it is touted to be. Won't even say good luck. Youse will get what you deserves. Indian