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Replies to #11824 on Bible (Bible)
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02/07/08 10:25 AM

#11825 RE: plugger #11824

Right on, plugger.
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02/07/08 11:15 AM

#11826 RE: plugger #11824

Is that why I seem to be in the center of a tornado? LOL
Geez, I have to quit praying for patience.

On a serious note:
I went into my prayer closet here at work. I think I know what my problem is....
I'm trying to do things my way. I'm failing to turn my WHOLE self over to the Lord. I think I've been chosing which doors to open and keeping some closed. So, tonight when I get home, I'm going to share with Rusty how I realized that I have closed God out of some parts of my life (not on purpose)I just have not truely surrendered all. I'm going to ask him to join me in prayer as we both turn all aspects of our lives over to God. We did that when we talked about moving in together and God moved in our lives in such a way that no Human could have possibly planned. Once we made that commitment to each other and prayed about it, everything just fell right into place in such a way that we both kept saying, this is the work of God. We could not have planned it that way ourselves.

That was the beginning of the Good Shepherd bringing this little lost sheep home. It was around Easter, April 6, 2006 when I moved in with Rusty. I have fought off Gods calling me home until about 6 months ago. I got into a fight with a Morman and called him every name I could muster. I think he must have had a multitude pray for me. Because all of a sudden, I started praying and reading my bible again. All of a sudden I said, hey, Rusty, we are living in sin, lets get married and make things right before God.

I'm still not 100% right yet. I do believe that God led me to you guys here to work miracles in my life. Each of you over the past few months have touched my heart in unmeasurable ways with the things you post.
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02/07/08 1:56 PM

#11840 RE: plugger #11824

plugger, James 1; is an extremely powerful reference for the US today I believe. Though I don't read the amplified Bible much, it is quite interesting how it interprets this Scripture. It says that we should treat our trials as friends and greet them when they come to our door.

I'm a New King James reader I just love Jack Hayford. It always amazes me as he edited the New King James version how many great teachers and theologians from different denominations are included. That's what attracted me the most.

Anyway, back to James one, this portion of wisdom has saved me more than once from the sinking ship of my own decisions and deductions. Count it all joy my brother when you fall into various trials knowing the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patients have its perfect work in you, that you may be perfect and complete lacking nothing. Keywords I've really pulled out of this particular Scripture are; fall, joy , trials, testing, perfect and lacking nothing.

Directly after that portion of Scripture is the asking of wisdom and how we can ask for it as often as we want, and let there be no doubting. But for me to ask for the wisdom of God is to ask for foolishness of the world. Because that's what the wisdom of God is in the world.

My personal feeling, not that it matters, is that the book of James is probably one of the most powerful instruction books for United States Christians of the day. Thank you for writing it down, may I not let it slip by, and let my heart and mind and soul marinate in this Scripture today. Val :-)