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Replies to #11823 on Bible (Bible)
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02/07/08 10:05 AM

#11824 RE: Diver_Linda #11823

I always tell people to pray for strength and courage. Most people pray for patience....I think it is James where we are told....let me look it up,
James 1: 2-3
My brethen, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing this that the testing of your faith works patience.

That being said, ask for patience, you may very well get trials which in turn you get patience....
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02/07/08 12:02 PM

#11829 RE: Diver_Linda #11823

Good Morning RM!! I know a lot of folks dont believe the same way I do but I believe in the Full Gospel and I believe that what Jesus did when he was on earth we can do also and greater things then this can we do because of the gift he sent us The Holy Spirit.. I believe in the infilling of the Holy Spirit with the gift of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit of God gives the utterance.. Having said that I believe there comes a time in our lives when we are at our wits end and do not know what to pray or how to pray and thats when the Holy Spirit takes over and intercedes for us when we take ourselves out of the way and let him take over.

I had the priviledge of meeting and working with a gentleman several years ago who confided in me that before he came to know Jesus as his Savior he was a drunk and he still could not get rid of his temptation to stop and buy a bottle of whiskey. He told me with tears streaming down his face that he had talked to his pastor and deacons at his church about this and they told him he was not saved yet if he still had these cravings for a drink and they were going to remove him as a member until he truly got saved and even rebuked him for his testimonies he had given in church.. This man was broken hearted and told me he loved Jesus and wanted to serve him but cravings for a drink was so strong that he could not fight it anymore. I told him about the Baptism in the Holy Ghost and how he helps us when we are at our weakest and I told him if he was sincere God would know it and the gift would be his if he would only ask. "This is the story he related to me the next morning when he came to work and I told him Marvin you look different today" Well on his way home from work after I had told him about how the Holy Spirit would help him defeat the devil the urge to stop and get a bottle of whiskey was so strong he pulled into the parking lot of the whiskey store and was sitting there crying calling out to God to help and that he knew nothing about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit that Jackie had told him about but he wanted it and asked God for it in the name of Jesus, well folks he said it was like a cool breeze that blowed into his truck and some kind of language was coming from his lips and he did'nt know who drove his truck home all he knew was he was still Praising God when he got home and he was still Praising God the next day at work.. He has gone on to be with the Lord since this happened and never touched a drink again..

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02/07/08 12:04 PM

#11830 RE: Diver_Linda #11823

I think it was Bonnie who said,

"Father open my eyes to see what's possible when I put my faith in You then increase my faith so I can watch You do it. In Jesus name Amen."

I wrote it on a card and put it where I could see it. On the other side of the card I have:

You are my Savior, and my hope is in You all day long. Psm.25:5

I'm so sick of Dr.s. Like I said before on a post they seem to bring the worse out in me!

I have an appt. now on Feb.22 with neurosurgery. At the moment I have no treating drs. because they either fired me (the feeling was mutual) or I fired them. I need internal medicine, and a kidney dr. I now have two rare diseases. By the Grace of God I accidently skipped over the neurologist and got into neurosurgery. God has been good to me directing me on this new something or another I have. I now know what it is. I don't know what is causing it.

You said "there is nothing more they can do" I had a dr. give me 2 years before back in 1997 because of my kidney. Well here I am.

I've put in prayer request here and at church and it is an answer to prayer that I even am getting into this dr. that I picked. I referred myself. First time ever I've gotten in this way, so I know it's an answer to prayer because I've tried this before and I didn't get in. (specialist)

I have to go to teaching hospitals. This will be my third one. Actually my fourth if I count Tulane for my dad.

I don't mean to come down on you, but Rusty doesn't need you on his back. (If you are?) He needs and advocate. Pray that you will be a good advocate for him and what Bonnie said. :)

I will pray for you.