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The Facts

02/01/08 3:53 PM

#2711 RE: bvan23 #2710

I'm not a basher. I'm based in real fact unlike some of the posts I read about SCAM this and SCAM that...Yes I am ONE of the "two personnas" however there are more than one of us working out of our office. One, (me), with shares and the other without. As of today he's the smartest of the two of us!

Yes they did come somewhat clean in the statement and, I'll be honest with you, I think it had to with many of the private questions I posed. I know they went to the top and they went fast. More to come on that later.

I have a lot of info and if anyone wants me to share then let me know. I'll start posting. If no one cares that's fine too. I may post because even though the Platinum gang likes it there, and they make fun of this board (which I did not know existed until other posters claimed I was from that Planet) they badly want info. If my fact finding helps one person save some money then I'll be happy.

Like I said, I'm not here to run people personally, just the actions or inaction as the case may be.

Would anyone like me to start the NMCX story and why as of today it is currently in over its head? Or should I go in reverse order and back into the dilemma?