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02/01/08 4:06 PM

#2712 RE: The Facts #2711

Sure, bring it!!!! These discussion boards should be an open forum for both the positive and negative aspects of our investments/stock-flipping.


02/01/08 6:47 PM

#2716 RE: The Facts #2711

Then it was your friend with whom I traded pm's...He was the one that never bought in.

Your portrayal of Shepp leaves out all the bad stuff associated with the affinity swindle he ran.....Care to see links to all the bad news?

And, none of his bio, as presented by NMC back in 2004, is verifiable using simple internet searches.

As soon as I watched that video which he narrated (the second version) I had him pegged as a mealy mouthed palm greaser who would say anything to sell his product....and one who knew nothing of mining.

Since I know a bit about mining, I knew this was a scam within hours of my DD start, back in Feb 2005. (I'd forgotten about HCCA, but knew of it back in 99-2000....)


02/02/08 8:53 PM

#2750 RE: The Facts #2711


Where you sillyme? I defend you against Viper I think .. any way I do not hate IHub just b/c there is alba and sample.. and I am a member of platinum and it does not mean that I agree with everyone there. My understanding is that Platinum board they do not want any thing negative at all ... do I agree NO but it is not my board ...
From what I read so far on your book; all I can say is that if any one invested on NMC and did not do any dd and did not come accross your 3 chapters, then they are just taking a risk ,,, but Is it any different risk than we are taking on this or any other stock? I do not know ... I took apple from 40 or so to 192 this past year and believe me I did not do all the dd that I needed to do .. But I got in at the right time and took the Ipod and Iphone profit with me ... a lot of people got locky with Yahoo just yesterday ... just ti name few examples ..

Any way I like your approch so far ..Unlike Sample and Alba ...
Please check my Post from day one on Ihub.. I am here to make money ... am I taking a risk .. YES infact a BIG Risk. I made good return on NMC in the past - the last one on june or july 07. Was I expecting the PPS to be this LOW? NO. But I will hang on and take it to the end ...

I had Said this befor .. Either Share holders will make an excellent return or We all lose our investment ...
I will speak for my Self, I did not buy my shares from Andy or MF.. I bought them I traded them and I will try to make a return on my investment any day. I believe on some BOD reputation .. and it is true Mgment may not know a lot about Mining but at the end they did something good by Hiring a broker. A reputable broker - and by the way you just have to feel sorry for sample for his remark on MS paid BS $500... and to that matter Rbtree for posting something like Blackstone lost 60% since they went public etc ...

So just to summurize .. I look at Ihub, RB, and Platinum when it comes to NMC - I lough at some and I learn something new at times ..

By the way R you Still A share holder?