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Replies to #4193 on NNRF Inc (NNRI)
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01/30/08 10:48 PM

#4198 RE: PrimeTrader #4193

Gee Scorry.....Look back at your post (well everybody look back)to post #2321 on 09/12/2007. Scorry trashed someone when he tried informing us about what the Iceman was all about. Of course this was back when we could have sold for over $3.00 per share.
Like I said it sure is nice to look back and know who to listen to in the future.
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01/31/08 8:02 AM

#4202 RE: PrimeTrader #4193 have to admit Barry Davis has laid out many people..the man talks out both sides of his mouth..
He stated that LNGT would be a double or triple by the end of January...that was at 9 it s at 5.5 cents...yet he has sold over 1.5 million shares in that time period...

LUCE...he stated back in SEPT 07 that it would be an easy double if not triple by year end...that was at $ it trades less than a buck...

look at NCII..his pick of the month in DEC..he knew there was no deal and yet contiuned to promote it...SHAMEFULL..

And look at MMTE????he was pumping the crap out of that one at 8 its almost half of a penny...

seeing as Barry Davis has been throwing around Carlos Slims name and his 3 brokerages i don t mind mentioning it myself,
NNRI-LNGT-MMTE-NCII...these 4 companies are all suppose to have the backing of Carlos SLIM...i think his group has had a falling out with Barry Davis they certianly are not in any of these markets..

In fact i think they had positions in all 4 stocks and have been liquidating their positions for a while now...i think they bught million of shares of LNGT and MMTE sub penny and can blow out the paper all day would make sence ...Barry has been selling NNFI and i don t see how Migual delarosa and his crew are not selling as well...i don t know how Barry Davis can sleep at night...well maby poping the valium helps..

Gibber...if you are relying on Barry davis to tell you anything never mind the truth about anything..Dont..his whole persona is built on greed and manipulation...are you telling me his ""morning updates "" wasnt manipulation?think about many people saw the stock chart and thought this is going much lower....yet didn t sell because of Barrys stories of huge BUYERS..cARLOS sLIMS INVOLVEMENT,short scweezes,billions in contracts...ALL THE WHILE HE AND DANNY COLIN where selling..

On one CC Barry stated that even members of his Jewish community didn t take him seriously and will not listen to him anymore...hmm wonder why?...then he changes his focus to the Hispanics and blacks like hes doing them a favor...?..iam sure the Mexicans that bought when he first mentions NNRF on CalienteStocks .com are happy they bought in the $3-3.70 range....

My point is...Barry Davis has ZERO creditability and no audeince..and no power to move any market..hes a liar and a why take any advise from him?
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01/31/08 9:38 AM

#4207 RE: PrimeTrader #4193

You know these boards are to post your views. Most of my views are made up of things I read and the many different people I talk too. I am not statnig any specific information from a specific person and company. I spend hours a day reading and talking to many people to formulate my views. I find it funny that very few here can get into a discussion on the potential of this company and their products to see if they can meet the market place needs. I finding that unbelievable. I am trying to figure out what the company can do and forecast it and no one here can do that. Since you are so knowledgeable on how companies work you should know what I am trying to do here is what companies have complete staffs doing at large companies. Since the small investor does not have these resources they come to these MBs to throw out their views to be refined by others inputs. It is obvious most here just want to talk about the scam and the management being involved in it. If it is a scam we have been taken and then why is the management still working?? Why don't you since you tell us how bright you are and understand how the business world works put together a forecast for us on the company. Lets see how smart you are and give us your views on a forecast on the company. I have been waiting instead you go back and forth on NUcap and etc. That company has 350M shares it is dead. Why waste time on that. Lets see some forcasting of what this company can do. That would do the company more good than hassing out out stuff.