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01/26/08 2:05 PM

#126999 RE: extra #126998

Will you please let us know when to sell our shares so we are able to make a profit? You seem to be a very knowledgeable poster. You do seem to put a very negative slant on every postive feeling we may have regarding our chances to make a good return on our investments here. There are always two sides to every story and you have just posted one side.


01/26/08 2:08 PM

#127000 RE: extra #126998

Do they have tanks underground? All pictures I've seen are operations above ground. AND they aren't even ours.......yet.


01/28/08 10:25 AM

#127384 RE: extra #126998

good honest post. investors are inspectors.


01/28/08 10:59 AM

#127393 RE: extra #126998

Even if your assertions concerning the condition of properties were correct...and I don't think they is clear that you have never heard of or want to discuss the merits of 'in situ' vapor extraction hydrocarbon removal systems for cleaning hydrocarbon-contaminated soil.

A lower cost and less disruptive method for cleaning contaminated soils and a method that regulators have approved for soil clean-up even while a site is further developed for subsequent use. That is, the property appearance changes on the surface / the property is developed while the extraction system cleans the subsurface soils...the site can be developed / used while cleaning takes place...all remains right with the world.

This technology has been around for nearly 20 years and I have used it to clean sites of more than 20 acres...all with regulatory approval and admiration.

You see, problems created as a result of past operations which were considered 'approved' at the time can be addressed today without fear that the world will come to an end.

And, if you want to talk about / create fear about old military bases and their contamination more DD (look up Base Reduction Act) and see that business is being brought into these sites to make the sites and the communities productive while the government retains the liability for future clean-up.

You spew doubt, doom and gloom with respect to SWVC and it is simply that....spew.