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01/25/08 12:53 PM

#98315 RE: Q-reus #98310

Q-reus, just to set the record straight...

"Your words allege that a proven conspiracy/scam is at play with GlobeTel's executive staff, past and present."

I never said it was "proven"! You can misinterpret my words any way you want, or you can take them for what I actually said.

"The SEC has taken action against only two peolpe. If there is or was a hidden agenda, where some "knew what was really going on", I think that the SEC would not have stopped with the names of Joe and Luis.

This is not true! They have also taken action against GlobeTel in that they are over a year into an investigation of them. They have also taken action against GlobeTel in that they have already issued them a Wells Notice in which they said they intend to recommend charges against the company. They have not taken action is the sense of "charges" already being filed, that always comes after the investigation and Wells Notice. And if a "hidden agenda" was hidden well enough, it may never happen... Once again, just to keep the record straight.

"Given that the SEC has not released any final findings, the possibility does indeed exists that other names could still be implicated before it is all said and done. We'll see. Maybe I am being naive, but I just can't believe that those other GlobeTel execs would deliberately tarnish their reputations and knowingly involve themselves with such an association."

I don't think you are being naive, I think you're just hoping for the best. For several years now, the only thing this company has offered investors is hope. Those still left have proven that is enough for them. And yes there is a chance the company will not be charged, but they have already charged JM, months ago... and the investigation continues with the company.

"My thought is that they took on the task of delivering this company to the world, but the intricacies and unforseen obstacles associated with getting the final product to market have taken down some well intended people."

I've already said I thought some actually believed in it. But we all know they were guilty of telling investors over and over at least 30 times the great things they were going to do...
then they didn't do a single one ot them!!!

Here is where you may be a little naive, if you think 0 for 30+ was "merely" a coincident!

"We WILL eventually see some positive returns come from GlobeTel."

Maybe, but what is the "potential" at this point? If a company that was going to change the world of communications as we knew it with their own network of Stratellites blanketing the Earth was worth $5 dollars a share...

What is a company worth with only someone elses low altitude ship, that can't do any of the things they said they were, only hoping for an "experiment" with the Navy. They've gone to promising a paradigm shift, revolution of the entire Earth's communications worth billions and billions of dollars... to "maybe" selling a low altitude blimp/airship for border patrol or crop surveillance.

If they really were what they said they were at $5 they were undervalued. If all they are now is what we see, they may be overvalued at .10 cents!

Q-reus, if after Vern and Bob and Doug and years and millions all they could manage was 100' feet on a tether... they're never staying at 65,000 feet for 18 months...

This is "not" the company you were promised!
