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Replies to post #1640 on CASH COW

Replies to #1640 on CASH COW
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03/17/04 9:39 PM

#1641 RE: WANG #1640

Good evening all..How's it going?..I know I'm glad I'm off from work next 4 days..whew..

hmm..fancy that..blurb about Rhea County TN on CNN Headline news I notice..they don't want no gays and such in the county..Rhea county line 6 miles from me..
but it doesn't surprise me..folks around here kind of set in their ways about some things..even though I own QBID I don't like their business..I just like to try and make money on the stock..Rhea County made headlines years ago too..1920's?..they had that Scopes/Evolution/Monkey trial there..
their courthouse is a National Landmark now..

OK..going to look around some..

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03/18/04 9:29 AM

#1649 RE: WANG #1640

Wang..IBZT..guess I'll try some..good luck all..eom