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01/23/08 5:56 PM

#37742 RE: ctb #37739

"then the company is either a scam or lacks oilfield competence."


CTB...that goes well beyond anything I thought I would ever hear from you!!

I have to tell you though, the thoughts of this company being a scam has crossed my mind a few times lately. I think the level of professionalism from this group is absolutely horrid and really borders on brow-raising sketchy at best. That two members of the board departed so quickly is really beginning to make me feel a little unnerved particularly that it is coupled with the lack of production news from wells long overdue. That is NOT the message we received with those resignations.

I can tell you, I'm not feeling real good about these guys right now. They really need to produce either some numbers or get the word out on what is going on with these wells. There is no reason not to keep current investors involved. I don't know if this gridlock is by design or what, but it's wearing a little thin. To the point that it makes long term investors question the competency or legitimacy of the principals is ludicrous!

Good luck to us all....and for any of you that have that inside about lighting a fire under it's backside!

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01/23/08 6:04 PM

#37743 RE: ctb #37739

ctb! Would AENP spend thousands of dollars for equipment on wells that are not going to be producing oil and gas.
the Padgett 12 had oil in the side glass viewer, all most blue in color. In the one picture I m pointing at it when I was there in Dec. THINK ABOUT THIS...FISH
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01/24/08 9:42 AM

#37749 RE: ctb #37739

CTB, I'm not selling either. I'm in a little deep. My hope is that the company is what it says it is. My hope is that Charles Bittner is not a liar and really wants to build something for his grandchildren. My hope is that board members that I trust are correct in their assumptions, estimates and predictions. My hope is that I didn't waste this money. You see, with a non-transparent OTC company, HOPE is all WE really have. We all assumed the risk and trusted CB and JC with our hard earned cash. Good Luck. Tony