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01/20/08 5:03 PM

#19203 RE: juanly #19197

juanly - are you kidding?

Beebe and LaRive have been threatening people for a while. In fact, at least a half dozen people have already been posting that Beebe has threatened them by PM and email.

The threats by Beebe, LaRive and several of the PHGI Directors have been archived for later use.

AND, if any of you read the thoughts and public posts of JB and LaRive etc, if you are like me, you would find it very difficult if not impossible to believe that they could in private be talking about alligators eating people, etc. Energies don't change.


01/20/08 5:06 PM

#19204 RE: juanly #19197

juanly, please enlighten us on this matter

please show us how PHGI has been handling the funds raised in a responsible manner, other than to pay themselves (and related parties) salaries and consulting fees.

and the big question is EXACTLY how the money is raised. If common shares are sold at prices that were artificially inflated by false and misleading press releases and public statements by Beebe, LaRive and other PHGI representatives, then they are in a whole bunch of trouble.

Meanwhile, since I am very familiar with how businesses work, I can understand the need to raise money. The big question isn't how the money is raised, it is what has been done with the money once it is raised. From what I can see, PHGI has been handling the proceeds of the money in a responsible manner.


01/20/08 5:10 PM

#19205 RE: juanly #19197

juanly, but this isn't what you did, was it?

You attacked and went after the stockhodlers that were bringing up the self-dealing by PHGI and Beebe...and all this after your husband died.

What most people want to know, however, is for you to tell us more about how Beebe is a billionaire (a false statement)and how you blatantly made false statements that he was included in Forbes list of the 400 weathiest people in America - was this something that he told you, or did you post it knowing that it was a complete lie?

Tell us, please - is it really worth getting out of your "stuck" position in this stock that you have to make such blatant false statements about the CEO of this company?

This board has gotten crazy recently. One thing I've learned in life is to know when and where to pick one's battles. Debating on here is a total waste of energy.

One thing that became very clear to me when my husband died so unexpectedly is to not waste one's time with nonproductive things. I have SO MUCH that I still want to accomplish and it's quite easy to get sucked into just typing on a message board....which does NOTHING for one's personal goals.


01/21/08 10:45 AM

#19217 RE: juanly #19197


I'm so sorry to hear about the loss of your husband. I understand at a gutt level and also understand your not wasting time with unproductive things. You and I have something in common.

In my case I also learned there are plenty of BUTTS in this world...they've always been BUTTS, are BUTTS now and always will be BUTTS...Sometimes you just have to let the BUTTS be BUTTS...

We sure have plenty of HUGE BUTTS here. Isn't that right Shorts?