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01/11/08 6:44 AM

#13444 RE: factfinder #13443

and WHO are you? Please..... I think and English Major finally found a job.

Look, if this deal is won or loss based on what posters on this message board post or think or say or whatever, then that is pretty freaking sad.

I could be five or six "posters" but be the same person. This is a public message board... nothing more, nothing less.

The deal should be won or loss based on the merits of the deal. Not based on being "scared away" by what someone sitting in their underwear, chewing on cheetos and rubbing their beer bellies type on this board.

Then you or them or whomever, starts posting here that we shareholders should not discuss the deal, no matter how personal or disgusting or messy the posting goes, because we could "kill the deal"...

IF ONLY we should have so much power. This is a forum created for us to share our thoughts, concerns, and support with other shareholders or interested parties. This is not a private BDGR forum.

Now, while I am still on my soapbox, let me say this:

Yes, we or some of us are shareholders, however, that does not mean we own the company in a figuratively speaking way. If you are a MAJOR shareholder, usually you have someone you chosen to represent you on the BOD. But as a shareholder, we "own" the company based on how we proxy our shares when our BOD present items for vote. Sure, we can pull shares together to petition for change. Do you think AT&T or GE thinks a shareholder with 100k shares care about a business choice they make.... NO.

So, it is not up to us, the shareholder, on how the day to day is operated or how this deal is won or loss. Maybe we win, maybe we lose.

However the BOD is responsible, with the best interest of the shareholder in mind, moving any deal that increases overall shareholder value.

BDGR has been so mismanaged that who knows what is right or wrong. Who knows what is smoke and mirrors. All I know is what I know. And that is not much.

Spunky, you're right. If this new BOD was so bent on bettering the company, moving it forward to transactional transparency, they failed right from the start by not saying to the public "This is WHO we are, this is WHY we feel our strategy will move BDGR forward and based on current position of the company this is a high overview of HOW we plan to do it." Thinking a slide in the backdoor equates to transparency was naive of them.

Look, if this deal is real or not real, is is public record what Lanza has put out there to current and potential shareholders. IF this deals moves forward OR falls apart, he has now laid the groundwork for shareholder lawsuits if this BOD does not perform in the best interest of the shareholders.

Anyway, factfinder, I think by you continuing to post, shut up or you will be responsible for the deal dying is suspect. I have and had a feeling from the day it was announced that this deal is a pony show to get Lanza and his boys voted in and proxy passed before the meeting. I do not foresee this deal ever coming to reality only because I do not believe BDGR has the reserves it said it has at its disposal. As they say, if it smells like fish, its fish. (Or something like that)

Okay, back to posting about how we are going kill this deal.