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01/03/08 8:01 AM

#75864 RE: KCMW #75858

iPhone Limitations

For those of you who have been using your iPhone for a few months - are you frustrated with any of the limitations?

Absolutely yes.

I love my iPhone, but my broad thought is that Apple managed to get quite a bit of the hard stuff right while missing on quite a few of the easy things. The screen is beautiful, the OS is intuitive, and the device is generally fun to use, but some of the small things drive me nuts. Note that I have not jailbroken my phone and that would solve quite a few of these problems. I decided to give Apple a chance to fix these things by MacWorld....we'll see what they have up their sleeve.

1) No MMS. Do you know how stupid you sound when you say that you cant look at a MMS on a phone that costs $400?

2) No SMS to multiple people. If you want to wish multiple
people Happy New Year, you have to type it out each and every time. I think that this is finally going to be available in software version 1.113.

3) No cut and paste. Combine that with the limit on SMS and it really becomes frustrating messaging multiple people.

4) No flash support. I have read some web purists say that flash sucks and Apple shouldnt support it, but I just want the web to work! I have been on vacation and been able to access some popular travel websites using the iPhone. That is a major pain.

5) No video support. I cant think of another handset with a 2 megapixel camera that cant at least take some form of video.

I'm just listing stuff that should be able to be fixed with an upgrade. The hardware stuff is obvious....3G support, GPS and a better camera with flash support will hopefully be in v2. Hopefully, we'll get some of the software stuff worked out at Macworld :-)....



01/03/08 9:02 AM

#75867 RE: KCMW #75858

iPhone limitations

No, I am not at all frustrated. I am delighted by the phone on a regular basis.

That said, I don't text, I don't connect to corporate email and flash irritates me :)

I use the iPhone mostly as a phone, an iPod and a web browser and a pocket camera.


01/03/08 10:19 AM

#75870 RE: KCMW #75858

iPhone limitations?

I remain delighted with my iPhone. But understand that it replaced an LG not-at-all-smart phone that I hated. I couldn't even readily find my phone number on it (which I never bothered to learn cuz I never gave it out cuz I never used it). Would I likely feel differently had my prior phone been something else? Not sure. The real draw for me is the internet connection as well as the overall ease of use.

I'm looking forward to seeing what SJ announces for it at MacWorld. As well as the other goodies. I'm lovin' the rumor pics that y'all are findng.



01/03/08 10:26 AM

#75871 RE: KCMW #75858

re iPhone limits

The real limit that bugs me is the effective shutter speed on the camera. You can't photograph anything moving and expect to be able to tell what it is. Well, at least you don't see enough detail to appreciate why the original subject was worth shooting. Still targets? Mayabe fine. But I didn't buy it for the camera ....

I think the ability to use any app while on the phone, all without interrupting your timer, while email keeps up to date with intermittent downloads, gives you a good position to be able to reach info you want to relay on the phone. If one were trying to work on it -- that is, take email data and incorporate it into a document -- then life would be different: you'd grouse about lack of cut and paste, and might not be satisfied to use Google's online document editor. But I'm not using mine as a mobile office; I'm still using mine as a phone, with occasional breaks to check toe weather or do price comparisons or buy a gift online. Or check stocks.

It turns out TD Ameritrade's regular site has iPhone incompatibilities no-one I spoke to could identify, but the site has a mobile version (that sucks) that doesn't have those problems. It just takes forever scrolling around a huge page with a little bit of centered text, to find the link you want. The site works fine on Safari on the Mac, for what that's worth.

I never saw the need for flash support on the phone, I don't regard the phone's storage much of a benefit for file transfer, if I want to look at a file when I go someplace without a notebook I can email it to myself and just look at the attachment (you can view but not edit spreadhseets, PDFs, etc.). Given that every machine you want to get a file from (or to) has email, the email client is fine for file transfer (as far as I've needed, which has been several times).
Update: Ohh, you don't mean flash memory, you mean Adobe's flash format on the web. I don't happen to use a lot of flash-dependent sites so it's no big deal for me, and I loathe flash-heavy sites that tell me to wait while they download their song and dance and silly interfaces, so I'm not the kind of user you'd expect to make a fuss ofer Flash being gone. I consider it a good first step in its extermination. Also, Flash apparently is a CPU hog ... but I read recently Adobe had licensed or would use H.264 in a future Flash, which might make sites using H.264-in-Flash behave more like H.264 has behaved, which is fine if your computing horsepower is up for the size of job you throw at it. On a low-power mobile processor, and in light of the time it takes to display an Excel spreadshseet, I'd think an invitation to send unlimited H.264 and Flash would be an invitation to a DoS, but maybe I'm overly pessimistic.

The phone's power is limited to the point it has trouble keeping up with some of my UI efforts: delays until things will scroll, and so on. Maybe this results from the amount of room left on the phone (cache issues) rather than the power of the processor; I have no idea where the bottleneck is. I just see the phone unresponsive occasionally -- especially while in the mail app, which seems to want to complete connections on the Internet before responding to user input -- even when the intended user input is to delete a message without downloading its content. This is a nuisance.

Until memory is a lot bigger I don't think I'd even want to think about regularly putting additional data on the phone. I expect it needs a certain amount of room for vm and app caches.

Take care,