I mean a press release in which GlobeTel hyped some great thing they were going to accomplish in the future.
As you know they have had at least 30 of them of which none ever materialized into what they said they would. In fact there were so many of them they were actually thrown off the American Stock Exchange in part for what were called "overly promotional" press releases.
Their failure rate has been horrible for anything positive they ever said they were "going" to do.
Now don't confuse this failure rate with press releases stating things the company has already done. When they say things like...
they are being investigated by the SEC
they have received a Wells Notice from the SEC
the SEC intends to recommend civil charges against the company
"complimentary words the military had for the hotzone technology"
Glow...other than the 83 hotzone units sold to NMC.... why can't GTEM.PK receive any orders for this "already exisiting - already tested- battle ready paradigm shifting - wave of the future technology???
Seems like no one is really that excited about this several year old technology.