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12/18/07 2:55 PM

#1078 RE: snowcloud #1036

you were wondering about the tale of the two mosh shares...

Turns out the kid entered the order like it was for cash account instead of my margin account so it got a different code and the system treated like it was two different stocks.

It's all back to normal now. Nothing to do with mosh, basically I had previously been doing a lot of trading in my other ira account which is cash so, force of habit or whatever an honest mistake on their part, now quickly corrected.

...picked up a few more shares today.

btw scott "restricted" for a stock simply means resricted from online trade = phone order, there is no limit on number of shares one can buy. For some reason, they do that to "watch" pinks with "suspicious" volume spikes. Not sure who that is supposed to "protect" -- as a dicount trade place they never give trade advice, so, a bit of an inconveniance to call in for now but oh well.