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12/13/07 9:36 AM

#2256 RE: nyjfan #2255

Let's hope for the best...GLTA!!


12/13/07 11:06 AM

#2261 RE: nyjfan #2255

Why must you always be so negative on SFMI ?

Just because you may have lost money on DCUT, a LONG LONG
time ago, doesn't mean that those feelings need to be
dragged along into the future. SFMI is not DCUT.

The stock is now starting to trade on a steady basis,
with more and more people noticing it. There are not
many OTC stocks that get decent volume in such a short
time since introduction.

If you had bought stock a couple of weeks ago at $ .03,
you would already be in a nice profit. Even if you had
averaged down, your position would still be better off.

The company is good at updating its' shareholders with
progress reports and mining data. Leave the company
and Pierre alone. Either sell your stock and leave,
or sit back and try to make some money off it.

Complaining all the time only serves to marginalize
your opinions.


12/13/07 4:38 PM

#2269 RE: nyjfan #2255



The volume was almost 1.5 million....not bad.

Closed up 28%....not bad.

I'm sensing more volume tomorrow and more upward movement! I still think it's a great buy under 10 cents!!!!

time will tell.....GLTA