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Soapy Bubbles

12/01/07 8:48 PM

#105756 RE: Howyadoing #105755

Let's work on quotes from the post:

Kevin Kreisler's own wife has pulled over 12 million dollars out of the SWVC ATM And she 's not done yet.(Hmmmm - I wonder where that money is??)
She can and has been converting shares at .001 and won't be done until she's added over 465,000,000 shares to the O/S...

Nonsense. Cadent's interest was given to Cornell in the last 10Q. Thus his wife is out of the picture. We know Cornell's interest is out since TS personally secured interest in the last 8k. Thus your "ATM" comment is w/o merit.

Tom knew he was taking over a shell full of Kevin Kreisler's past failures
When Tom first PR'd the cost of taking over the GSCR shell it was 1.5 million , and here we set 5 months later still debating how many more shares will be converted to cover this debt!! Shell cost to date - Who really knows yet??
All we do know for sure is that over 630 million shares have been dumped in the market and it still keeps going up every week!
Some where between 15 and 20 million dollars!
Right out of the SWVC shareholders pockets!!!

There's no debate on the convertibles -- they are all listed in the 10Q and are simple to read. Just look and see. Did it come out of the shareholder pockets? Not really. Did any of us purchase the convertibles and pay TS for them? No. Also, if you site a depression of the PPS due to dilution, you're only partially correct. Despite the dilution, the PPS has incresed quite handsomly since a few months ago. Thus your point here is at best moot.

Its really hard to believe that any SWVC shareholder would be wanting this connection to take place!
As if there's not enough connections with KK already!!!

The possible further connection with any of Kevin Kreisler's companies have made many sell already (including me)

Many on here say how open and honest Tom has been.

It's odd how you neglect to mention that KK was removed from office and place into a COO position. In reality, KK has no power anymore and Carroll/TS have the power. There's no reason to be concerned about KK since he's rendered powerless as per his agreement w/ TS.

I had such high hopes for this company , up until the filings started to hit the street !

I can hardly wait to see the things Tom forgot about in the Hackets purchase
ie- He makes the deal before Audits??? -not good-

Does anybody else out there see the connection between the fact that the more details we get about "Tom's Deals" the lower the price per share goes?????

It's curious to see that the filings show that we are a true holding company slowly building a value -- in direct contradiction of your assumed relationship between PPS and intrinsic value.

Your audit comment is also without merit for a simple reason - you do not know the knowledge that TS knows. Perhaps he has the rough numbers already and you don't. That doesn't mean the numbers don't exist yet. Think about it, if he didn't know rough numbers, the M&A would be very difficult to perform. I have no doubt that a CEO and his supports would have the necessary fiscal data to make rational M&A deals.

Final Comment:
Do your research and learn about financing. Perhaps it'll clear up your confusion about how M&A is done in the real world. Also, it may reduce your biases and afford hard analysis.

Ace Magoo

12/02/07 4:13 AM

#105827 RE: Howyadoing #105755

Yes!!! Hence the reason I will not buy even though I "feel" it may pop good here and like how the CMF looks. Like playing roulette where the house has loaded the dice.