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11/30/07 8:28 PM

#303625 RE: ieddyi #303621

Word is, Murtha got hammered today by the left for making those statements. I am against this joke of a war but if they can make progress, more power to them. The sooner they get home the better. But for political hacks to want to deny reality and paint a picture that is far worse than it is is pathetic at best.

If there is good news coming out of there it should be ACKNOWLEDGED.

I am sick of morons putting their agenda ahead of the security and reputation of the United States.

We have been sold down the river by degenerates on both sides of the aisle. Hard to believe the truth offends and scares people.


11/30/07 9:37 PM

#303630 RE: ieddyi #303621

Sure it is! But at what cost?

We're now broke.


12/01/07 1:34 AM

#303640 RE: ieddyi #303621

An entire post in bold and underlined.....? Scary what this war has done to some people's brains. To Bush republicans like yourself, the welfare of Iraqi muslims has become more important than the welfare of americans. Since the entire global population knows that Bush republicans don't give a flying fu#k about anyone but themselves and prefer dead muslims to live ones, the only rational explanation is that what you're really concerned about is the legacy of George Bush.

Other than that........listened to Murtha elaborate on this on Hardball tonight and what he's really saying is that the military part of the surge MAY have worked....but so what? The Iraqis are NOT stepping up to take advantage so things can revert back to chaos any time.

He also confirmed what others are saying which is that part of the reason for the reduction in violence is that the country is simply broken. 4 MILLION Iraqis have fled and are seeking asylum all over the ME, Europe and the US, or you could say that 17% of the population is on the run from what you keep selling as a success. Those who are still there live in neighborhoods that have either been ethnically cleansed or segregated.

I'm happy that some military progress seems to have taken place but at what cost, to what cause and for how much longer? Do you ever ask these questions or are you too focused on being able to call it a success no matter what the sacrifice?