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12/01/07 3:18 AM

#303641 RE: seabass #303640

The sacrifice has gone beyond the Deciders worst nightmare. Yes, he still walks around like a cowboy with his arms sticking out from his sides....Like he's wearing sixguns on each hip, but his swagger is gone. He puts on a good front but he knows he royally #@*!# up.

I bet he shivers at night, in his bed, with a teddy bear named Muhammad in one arm and the Bible in the other. It keeps him from sucking his thumb.

On a good note out of Iraq. I do believe the surge has crushed the calls for civil war and the Sunni on Shia violence is almost nil.

I think when children in the street are not getting blown up like they were, it needs to be called a success, as pathetic as that sounds.

Our troops have done what they could do. They are now being abused by being forced to be "babysitters with guns" to a backwards, hell on earth country with inhabitants severely abused both mentally and spiritually.

The whole thing is a tragedy and the next President, whomever it may be, should openly tell the Country and the World that it was a mistake, own up to it, and start righting some wrongs.....And oh yea,



12/01/07 10:37 AM

#303664 RE: seabass #303640

Thoughtful. Great post, and so true !!!!!!!!!!!

"To Bush republicans like yourself, the welfare of Iraqi muslims has become more important than the welfare of americans"

Its so clear too, that Shrub Republickens have...........
cut Veterans benefits, and tried to eliminate S.S.,
shown no oversight of a corrupt incompetent Republicken controlled Congress, doubled or tripled the price
of gas, trashed the US dollar, endorsed torture,
and mislead the US into a trillion dollar war
based on lies.


12/01/07 12:49 PM

#303681 RE: seabass #303640

LOL, Murtha's quote short circuiting moonbats though process all over the web

Here's the deal:

Murtha has been bleating on for years ( along with Reid and others ) that military victory was impossible.

Now that they are forced to admit that the surge is working, they move the argument to " well political reconciliation will never occur "

How do they have any credibility left??

They were wrong before and they might be right now, but w/o giving the process the chance to fully run out, it's a stupid argument

THe surge was designed to quell the sectarian violence and allow the political process to proceed

Read the Petraeus report


I'm not a Republican or a Bush lover. I have problems with a lot of what he has done


12/01/07 3:29 PM

#303695 RE: seabass #303640

In the GWOT, success in Iraq is vital to the security of the free world.

>>>I'm happy that some military progress seems to have taken place but at what cost, to what cause and for how much longer?<<<

An Iraq that can

govern itself
secure itself
and be an ally in the GWOT

will be the factor that changes the ME from Islamofacists to free and prosperous citizens

of the free world (Japan, most of the EU for example -- time frame -- likely 50 years or so)

IMO and in the opinion of all but the antiwar libs/dems/lefties