mide, the issue is the efficiency of the equipment in terms of electrical draw. All AC or DC power can be converted one to the other. If the equipment is efficient, they will draw little amps to run. During the day, enough amps are supplied by the solar cells and at night stored amps are used, even though some solar cells can generate power from moonlight, light being the operative word. So, if the equiptment draws amps efficiently and the charging systems are constantly supplying power as well as putting stored energy away for night operations, the airship could theoritically fly and operate for long periods of time. Voltage is only 1 part of the measure of storage requirements - it's the amps required that are the most important measure. So, if a radio puts out 48V but only uses 1/2 amp, that's the measure of the storage system required for continual operations. The more efficient the better. V=IR (V=voltage; I=amps; R=resistance)If R is low(efficient) and I is small, then the V required is calculated. Anyway, that's how I see it. Anyone else jump in here.