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02/28/04 4:48 PM

#27628 RE: KeithDust2000 #27625

Keith, Re: In other words, in Q4 2003, Opteron servers managed to grab roughly 1.5% of the WW x86 server market. Just a realistic perspective for the dreamers that time and time again claimed Opteron would "take over" the server market from Xeon this year. It´s not going to happen. Not even remotely so. Gain some marketshare, yes, everything else, no.

Not only that, but I would wager that while Opteron climbed 1.5% in server market share last year, Athlon MP declined by rougly the same amount. Right now, AMD is transitioning their product line. I don't see them actually growing much in market share until later in the year.
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02/28/04 5:23 PM

#27630 RE: KeithDust2000 #27625

Keith, sure, they may not take 100% of the x86 server market this year, but just because it was 1.5% in Q4 03, doesn't mean it couldn't grow explosively this year. It's hard to predict in advance what the adoption curve will look like. In favor of a surge in demand: Intel announced, but cannot deliver, iAMD64 until Q3, and then only in 2P, at yet unknown performance. Buying plain old 32-bit only Xeon machines may quickly become viewed as short-sighted, given that this market is going 64-bit capable in a hurry. We'll have to wait and see, but Intel's iAMD64 announcement could trigger a surge in Opteron demand.

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02/28/04 5:41 PM

#27633 RE: KeithDust2000 #27625

In other words, in Q4 2003, Opteron servers managed to grab roughly 1.5% of the WW x86 server market. Just a realistic perspective for the dreamers that time and time again claimed Opteron would "take over" the server market from Xeon this year.

Nicely stated. That is the real story in IDC's numbers.
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02/29/04 9:06 PM

#27715 RE: KeithDust2000 #27625

Keith another number is here:

"The flexibility helped Opteron grab 3.9% of the mainstream server market by December, according to researcher IDC."

Got link from survivin on SI.

I don't really know if (3.9%)is very good for the time its been on the market. What I do know is that AMD was able
to do that with no Tier 1 really pushing the product.
