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11/14/07 8:10 PM

#13628 RE: amarkiii #13619

That's why there's an ignore button.....feel free to use it.....

"""I will tell you it is not well received by those who are trying to support this company"""

maybe they can hire me as a consultant ;) ......seems I raised the "WHY ETHANOL, and not bio-diesel?" question quite some time ago (along with a few other WTFs?) know what they say, if you can't beat 'em, maybe you should join 'em.....

or maybe I can give them a loan, on a much better basis than DB offers....think that will ease your worry a little????

PS: its not really ME causing all that worry you feel.....seems you just think I'm a whipping post for it.....or are you trying to blame me for the Co not delivering for the umpteenth time now????......NJ, PA, IOWA, Bear Stearns, STHK, Magical Mystery Gravity Machine, etc, etc.....sorry I point these things out......I guess with all the BULL CRAP in the world, this is one of the venues where I let some steam out, if you really want to know.....and as I always say, anyone, feel free to correct me on anything I post.....I have on occasion retracted things when shown an error, I make mistakes like any other person....(unlike technohammer who has 100% winners in the market...LOL!!!!)....

oh, BTW, you can thank technohammer for pointing my nose in this direction......I never heard of NSOL until he showed up asking if I want a war, on another message board.....I still haven't seen a him cry uncle (he also WELCHED on a bet with me that he lost....a real stand-up guy).....

again, maybe you should just ignore me if I cause so much worry, and you aren't able to rebut what I'm saying....