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11/12/07 2:43 PM

#2180 RE: GoldSilverMines #2179

That opens up opportunities for others...


11/12/07 2:46 PM

#2181 RE: GoldSilverMines #2179


As I had said in the previous messages, there needed to be steady news and real meat as to income and profitability. Many people see the shares being sold (~200 million pre-split) and can't help but believe that Pierre is printing shares again. I have been in the stock for quite a while and I have seen authorizations w/o notification more times than I can count. The co had 50 million shares authorized when I got in just after the stock went to the pinks. When this deal was done there were ~7.2 billion outstanding and 10 billion authorized.

People have believed in the past and have watched the printer of shares keep on printing. If Pierre wasn't involved and sitting as President of both Silver Falcon and Gold Corp, people most likely would have given it a chance. Again, that is assuming that the shares being sold since Thursday last week are the outside shareholders of old DCUT and not the Master Printer himself. He holds super majority shares and can do what he likes without notice. I don't blame the people who got out when they did; I just wish I could have sold during the run up. Unfortunately I was locked out!



11/14/07 11:57 AM

#2184 RE: GoldSilverMines #2179

It seems that everyone that wanted to sell has done so now that they got thier shares in thier account late last week.