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02/24/04 10:53 AM

#3964 RE: jmhollen #3963

proudly :)

sigh. With all the great things I think Bush has done the past few years, this alone makes me not vote for him again. Guess I'll deal with paying more taxes and Democratic entitlement crap instead.

Bush Backs Amendment Barring Gay Marriage

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

WASHINGTON — President Bush (search) announced his support for a constitutional amendment barring gay marriage on Tuesday morning.

"He has always strongly believed that marriage is a sacred institution between a man and a woman," White House press secretary Scott McClellan said.

He said the president wants to end "growing confusion" that has arisen from court decisions in Massachusetts, and San Francisco's permitting more than 3,000 same sex unions.

"The president believes it is important to have clarity," McClellan said.

He said Bush believes that legislation for such an amendment, submitted by Rep. Marilyn Musgrave (search), R-Colo., "meets his principles" in protecting the "sanctity of marriage" between men and women.

Sen. Wayne Allard (search) has sponsored similar legislation in the Senate. He expects support for the bill will grow after Bush's announcement today.

But Bush was not expected in his announcement Tuesday to specifically embrace any particular piece of legislation. White House officials say that support for Musgrave's proposed amendment has been unraveling in the Senate.

Bush decided to take action partly because the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court recently ruled that it is unconstitutional to bar gay couples from marriage. That decision could result in gay weddings there as early as May, McClellan said. "We're two months away," he said.

McClellan said 38 states have passed laws protecting the "sanctity of marriage and the president will call on Congress to move quickly to pass legislation that can then be sent to the states for ratification.

"We need to act now," he said. "The constitutional process will take time."

Fox News' Peter Brownfeld and The Associated Press contributed to this report