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02/24/04 11:55 AM

#3966 RE: XV19 #3964

I think the problem is that your reading the situation arse-backwards, Dave.

The laws, on the books, more specifically preventing sodomy under the old definition of the word, are not only a basic attempt to prevent immorality - but it's certainly a public health issue. It's not, as you have stated elsewhere, an attempt to legislate morality. And, the President is sworn to protect and uphold the laws of the land.

There is sound medical principle for discouraging male-male (anal) sex. As it was explained to me, during normal male-female sexual intercourse there is a constituent in male sperm that temporarily nullifies a womans antibody reaction, so she may become impregnated (..if so desired..). After some reasonable period, the woman's immune system overcomes the nullifying enzyme/protein/whatever and kills the balance of the sperm, semen and any other foreign agents that entered here vaginal tract during the act. The remnants are usually referred to as the "..wet spot.." and/or the female's discharge into her undergarments throughout the following night/day/whatever.

When a male reinjects a male repeatedly, the same delivery constituent shuts down the receiving male's immune system temporarily; but the recipient doesn't have the female's defense component to turn that back on. Hence, after repeated injections of male sperm, over time, the recipient's immune system may become totally turned off = AIDS.

I'm no doctor, and I may have fumbled the details, but the action-reaction I've described was presented on an AMA-type program, and I presume the man had no reason to obfuscate as he was presenting to a technical sophisticated medical audience.

The Jews abstained from pork historically, and we now know that may have had a lot to do with age-old wisdom to prevent tricinosis ( ) which can sicken and kill humans if the meat is misprepared.

Since you object to God-based references, "..the wisdom of the ages.." has also been passed down through law from 3000+ years ago, that boys butt-poking other boys is a "..Bozo no-no.."!!!

I don't care if Barney Frank, Rock Hudson, Barbara Streisand and The (W)ITCH all think its BS Politically Correct to promote irresponsible, medically unsupportable, abnormal sexual behavior - but, I'm damn glad that George Bush will do what he swore he would do when he took his oath of office. That's a hell of an improvement over "..which way is the wind blowing and the polls showing.." Slick Willy Clintwit - who needed to carry a can of stain-remover in his pocket 24/7.

If you hired me (..same priciple..) and I promised to advance your comapany's goals, rules and ethics - then I went 45 degrees off course against your wishes, I think I'd deserve to get fired. George, on the other hand, is doing exactly what he swore he would do when he took the job - so your logic is flawed IMHO.

I hope you'll give that some thought. So far we haven't had anymore airliners crash into any more tall buildings, Saddass Hussein is in the slammer, Osama Lama DingDong is about to be snagged, and Geroge is trying to support or at least reduce the spread of AIDS. Hard to fault the guy for that.

John :-)
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02/24/04 12:05 PM

#3968 RE: XV19 #3964

Just another ", drugs & rock-n-roll.." musician, aye...!!!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha.......... You're incorrigable, and you'll ultimately be very grimpy with a stinky SUV.....

Freakin' liberal tree huggers; hope you get a splinter in your belly button.

John :-)