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01/10/02 10:43 PM

#9177 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #9173


Here's an idea.

Get rid of those tacky ads. I would suggest you go to and put up some TrendTrader ads for .20 per click. Get this site some $$$$.

You can thank me anytime.


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Bird of Prey

01/11/02 11:29 AM

#9209 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #9173

This piqued my interest

100+ to 1, and the one was always an "angel" that never stepped out of line. Chances of that are pretty slim indeed. Even the hardiest of egos with lash out when face with that kind of onslaught. Look at some of the minority responses when faced with a just a few opponents here at IHUB. Granted the original "offense" may have been "lying about the company" but I am sure I am not alone in disbelieving the innocence of the naysayers as regards TOU.
However, in your second paragraph you reveal the real reason for the departure of the multitude. You committed the unforgivable sin for an administrator. You decided who was "right" and who was "wrong". Your decisions on suspensions therefore became tainted by the rightness or wrongness of the users opinion and you allowed those you deemed "correct" to slide on violations of the TOU while holding those deemed "wrong" to a very strict standard.
An Admin *must* remain neutral on the issue of right and wrong except as defined by the TOU. then regardless of a users position on an issue the TOU will be fairly and justly enforced.
On another note...
I am somewhat peeved by this notion that megalomaniacal moderators are a "widespread problem" here at IHUB. It is simply not true and is a slap in the face not only to the many hardworking honest moderators here but to Matt as well (Matt is also hardworking and honest).
I think this illusion of IHUB being "Touter's Heaven" because it uses moderators for individual boards is ludicrous. What I find even more troubling though is although those who oppose a "promoter" moderating a board, they seem to fully support the idea of a basher having a moderators position. That is a double standard.
Are there "promoters" here at IHUB? Sure, and they are at all of the other message sites too. So are bashers.

You were responding to this question:
>>What's the easiest thing to do? Get rid of the one person, doesn't matter who's right or wrong.

A proper admin would be correct in removing the "one" if the "one" violated the TOU, regardless of whether the "one" was right or wrong. The minute the Admin begins deciding enforcement issues based on who is right or wrong, or who is an asset or potential asset to the community, he ceases to be a admin and becomes a very powerful user, a dictator, deciding what is right or wrong for everyone.
The folks that started IHUB wanted to get away from that. It is an easy trap to fall into, Let's all hope Matt can avoid it. In fact let's all do our best to help that trap from springing.
Matt has stated he is embarking on a new, stricter, more consistent enforcement policy. Let's see if that makes a difference in how IHUB is perceived before we go overhauling it's structure.

The Bird of Prey
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The Original dpb5!

01/15/02 10:42 AM

#9401 RE: Bob Zumbrunnen #9173

Dear Bob and Matt,

I have read the entire thread about this discussion of how an admin determines TOU and I think I have a suggestion that will help this very dilemma.

A couple of years back I was an investor in GO.COM, which has since been gobbled up by Disney.

GO.COM had a MONEY section that indeed had some of the greatest features I have ever seen on a Message Board. The very greatest of those features was a feature called "RECOMMEND". With this feature, if a reader liked and believed in what the posted message said, the reader had the ability to click on a RECOMMEND button.

What this did for the other readers was to help hone in on what the real conversation on the given board was about. Obviously, readers didn't recommend posts such as spam or half baked hyping or bashing but tended to recommend the more legitimate things like DD and News Releases.

Is this something that can be incorporated into the IHUB Website? If so, I believe that it would go a long way in neutralizing this issue of which posts or posters should be deleted or banned.

To me, all that most readers of boards want is to get to the nitty gritty messages from other posters and avoid all the inherent 'dribble drabble'. I would very much like to hear your thoughts on this idea.