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11/05/07 11:14 AM

#76 RE: Dr Wonderful #75

I understand how it can be frustrating when the company does not produce what you thought they would, mergers/Acquisitions completed and the only ones who end up profiting are the people who orchestrated the deal.

I am not impressed with Peacock and his dealings, I guess we must always remember that these guys are not in business to make money for investors, they are in business to take money from the investors and they will use whatever means necessary to accomplish that goal.

FCCN is a perfect example of how tricky these guys can be, pretending to resign as ceo and insert hunsaker making it look like Aero has taken over, when in reality the 8K shows that Peacock is clearly in charge of fccn and controls how much profit he will make going fwd.

I have to hand it to peacock though, this was one of the trickier little mergers/acquistions I have seen, on the surface it looked promising, but make no mistake the 8K was delayed for a reason and they all knew exactly what was in it and it did not take weeks to review as they would have you believe, and the part about the Reverse split well you can pretty much bet on that happening soon or you will see the A/S increased and either one of those will only be a further devastating blow to investors here.

These guys are pretty crafty but for those who took a little time to dig figured these guys out pretty quickly and it has unfolded as we suspected.

It is a shame that these greedy people have no regard for the common investors and apparently have no problem watching some of these peoples life savings go down the toilet, it makes ya wonder how they sleep at night, what comes around goes around though, and they will pay eventually.