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11/04/07 3:22 PM

#61 RE: lordwinmore #60

You are correct. Unfortunately, it has been Javelin's choice to use the same transfer agent for all of their plays, and this particular transfer agent does not give out their information to anyone.
One argument given in favor of this situation, has been that if the company they represent is reporting, everyone sees the sharecount at the same time, no surprises, no "proactive moves" by shareholders prior to the 10Q or 10K coming out.
The problem with that theory (and to be honest, if EVERY SINGLE COMPANY followed that, I'd actually be in agreement) is that so long as a competitor is transparent, in other words, has a transfer agent that will freely give the updated sharecount to anyone who inquires (without asking for personal information), it is often the case that investors who can find the information like this from a competitors will sooner invest there.
Javelin has the power to affect positively all the stocks it covers. All it has to do is change Transfer Agents to one who will give out the info.
There are companies that do dilute in small amounts. There are companies that dilute in huge amounts. Often, it is the companies with multibillion share A/S amounts that are the dangerous ones. If a company is limited to under 500 million shares total, it's often a good sign. Those companies have better chances of forward splits while they're building up, since they appear to need far less in the way of share dilution to get to positive cash flow than the smaller companies, to whom a penny/subpenny shareprice often accompanies the larger share position.
I would LOVE to know the following:
1.Who exactly is in charge of Javelin, beyond just Peacock?
2.What are their roles?
3.Do any of them post on any internet message boards?
4.Do any of them hold significant positions in Javelin Advisors stocks?
One poster used to say "To understand the game, you must understand the players."
In this case that very well applies.