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11/04/07 12:59 PM

#102340 RE: GEO928 #102339

....i certainly agree with what you have said.....the complaining is here is chronic....BUT....

I would assert that it is quite presumptive to acknowledge the chronic complaining.. and move on to explanations.. without first acknowledging "who" is doing the complaining.. I, for one, qualify the intent of those who post negative "opinions" and take them FWIW. Certainly I have not seen many disgruntled longs here.. and I've paid particular attention to those who started this long journey earlier this year and are still here posting with the same confidence. Clearly they have performed the dd necessary to make the correct assessments. I too have performed extensive dd here and believe the company possesses just as much, if not more, potential now, as it did 10 months ago. In fact, my recent dd tells me that we will see some dramatic changes over the next 6 months that will improve AERO's top and therefore bottom line exponentially. Execution is key and I believe they are doing all the right things to take this company to the next level. If patience is not your strong suit, then I suggest you move on to another "play". IMVHO this is an investment that will pay off handsomely for those who can see through the smoke screens created by some on this board.. and see the pot of gold that awaits us on the other side. GLTUA

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11/04/07 1:30 PM

#102342 RE: GEO928 #102339

yep ....

aero has been public
for little over a month

and what has happened in that time frame?

a concerted and well orchestrated *effort*
to spread fud ... it started on october 5th
less than 24 hours after shares were exchanged ... hmmm

couple that with the games that two mm's have pulled
on a daily basis ... coincidentally since the 5th
of october .... well it doesn't require a degree
in rocket science to pull the pieces together
-- prior to the 5th of october .. we just had
one mm ... playing games --

and the biggest irony is ... we are at the pps
we are at ... i have no doubt if aero wasn't legit
we'd be well over a higher pps at this point in time ...
cause that's apparently how things work in penny land

but as an investor in aero/fccn .. i look at what
i know .. and extrapolate out that what i can from the
foundation that aero has laid out in their 8k ...

to me it makes no difference if one holds 1 share -- 10 --
100k -- 1M or 10M + ...the real test is being able to
do ongoing dd...and attempt to connect the dots

that's what separates out an investor imo

that's one of the reasons why i call <at random>
various dealers listed out on aero's website ---

and why i will be calling some of distributor's
that aero just pr'd ...

now some will negate ir or management ... (everytime
i've called management ...i've been referred to ir)

but as i've discovered in talking with ir ...
for over 10 months now -- *hypotheticals*
are discussed ... and obviously everyone
has his/her own business experiences to draw from --
which is why i always encourage everyone to call ir ...

some view the time -- money and energy spent on nascar to be
a waste .. i will respectfully disagree ... i think aero
did in a very short period of time ... something almost
unheard of and brand recognition to the one segment
of the population that has the most fan loyalty ....
(3 times per the avg fan)

the implications there ... over the next decade are truly
going to be amazing ... imo ... we haven't even scratched
the surface yet ---

and if you talk to ir .. and read the pr's .. and understand
exactly what the *supply* issues consist of ... the acquisition
of dr. gas makes sense on so many levels ..
i fully expect aero to make their home there
... within a matter of months ---

then there are the dealerships and the after - market ...
there is some great info that was put out ... too bad
we have to wade thru chronic and repetitive posts to find it
but there are many folks who'd done extensive dd and posted
about the automotive dealerships ... mid summer time frame

we all have a fairly good idea of who they are .. they just
haven't been confirmed yet ...

and in talking with one of the midas dealers in nh on friday
i keep coming back to his selling 6 aero systems per month
based on his words here .... *word of mouth alone* ... unreal
i can only imagine .. when advertising isn't focused on just
tv and nascar ... imo ... we are literally at the tip of the
iceberg -- again i look forward to when aero does focus their
marketing campaign on the *average consumer* -- not something
to be discounted lightly imo ...

the real issue is do folks have the ability to give their
investment the time and patience that is required ...
-- i know many of us do ... and collectively we own
approximately one fourth of the o/s ... that's not to say
we will be proven right .. but as long as aero makes it easy
for us to *connect the dots* ... i have no problems holding
or even adding additional shares ... and i know i speak
for more than a few others ... who rarely post here ...

all jmo