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02/20/04 11:32 AM

#3877 RE: jmhollen #3876

yeah...a few 16's tossed in there for giggles as well...I dunno..I might just wait it out....Got a few other things to toss $ at this week instead.

I disagree with you a little bit about the TW stuff tho...I think the demand IS indeed there, and if/once the signal really is up on the bird, and IF TTN gets some kick butt salespeople, market demand should indeed drive TW to offer it.

I think one of the consequences of 'tit gate' is that a good portion of America (except for the far far right-ists who can't even stant to see THEMSELVES naked), actually have a 'whatever/get over it/ it's just a boob" attitude about it.

I know I certainly do. Personally, I'm more offended watching the talentless gangstas grabbing their crotch all the time and flashing their lame-ass bling-bling homey rides. Sheeeesh...Learn how to play a freakin instrument and learn how to SING, would ya?