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10/29/07 1:08 PM

#68802 RE: GotOptions? #68793

wow. Over Papi. crazy


10/29/07 1:21 PM

#68805 RE: GotOptions? #68793

arod shows up to win games agains noname teams when there is no pressure...we all know this about arod..its not a secret.

big deal so he steps up to the plate ONCE in a blue moon and wins a big game.

as a sox fan if there was one yankee batter id rather face, in the bottom of the ninth of a world series game seven and the winning run at the plate, it would be alex "the big apple in his throat" rodriguez.

redsox fans would fear almost any other yankee before considering him a threat to win or tie a big game against them under those conditions.

he is a very talented player nevertheless, this can not be denied.
david ortiz is worth ten alex rodriguez in any world series game.


10/29/07 1:38 PM

#68812 RE: GotOptions? #68793

I have to agree that his last 59 AB's in the post season when he ad 39 runners on base and drove in zero (0) that he deserves whatever Pepsi or MLB wants to give him.