McDuck-iHub and PBLS
I removed the post as promised since someone commented. As Superbee stated, here is the short answer to your question. I hope this answers your questions and concerns.
Links to other sites be it personal or business are allowed if they are about PBLS including any company they own, or might possibly own. This is provided the link is not posted over and over.
OT posts are just that. Mods & assts try to be reasonable but @ the end of the day, here is the iHub rule which displays to the right for any poster who is posting. Since I don't have PN, if you want any more clarification, please e-mail me here.
TOU Refresher
Off-topic: Any off-topic discussion is a violation of TOU. If your post is not about the stock for the board you're posting to, do not post it. Use email, private message, or post it to a board where it is on-topic.