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10/25/07 4:03 PM

#67906 RE: rsox #67903

Oops, sorry - one person.


10/25/07 4:09 PM

#67909 RE: rsox #67903

wrongful assumption......
that isn't negative about Beckett
it's about the homeplate ump and making consistent calls.

notice: Beckett was throwing hard and throwing well.....

Beckett tossed pitches worthy of a world series.

It didn't matter who the Rockies had pitching.....
they didn't get the same strike zone, period.

For all we know, if there had been consistency in the calls,
it could've been a 26-1 ballgame or a 4-2 or....
afterall, the RS batters looked like they were hyped up
on espresso when they came to the plate, they weren't relaxed
by any means...
I'm not saying the Rockies would've won, but
the outcome certainly wouldn't have a dark cloud over it.

I'd be satisfied if it was an honest defeat.