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10/23/07 12:53 PM

#110135 RE: dat_51or #110130

dat, my understanding is that the raw materials used to produce PV cells don't exist in sufficient quantity to meet the need.

I'm sure new technologies will find a way around it, maybe we figure out how to create energy via photosynthesis? Hey, plants figured that out eons ago, maybe humans can catch up?

Oil will always be needed for lubrication, plastics, and fertilizers, the demand won't go away. We are in the right place, at the right time, IMO.

It takes 80 barrels of crude to produce a car. It takes untold amounts of oil to run the equipment required by megafarms, which are touted as the answer via biofuels. It takes oil, and lots of it, to raise a corn crop to create biofuels.

It's a sticky problem.
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10/23/07 1:22 PM

#110136 RE: dat_51or #110130

OT dat_51or: Been living comfortably off the grid
in the mountain west since 1999. Power has been brought into the area but won't be hooking up until the power company is reasonable about buying my excess amps.

Spend about $50/year on firewood. Because of passive solar design, no supplemental heat necessary unless we have 2 days without sun. Propane for cooking only - water heating via solar.