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10/20/07 5:16 PM

#190937 RE: Stock Lobster #190926

i need to start out with just restating this. because it is SO true LOL!

“You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.”

Im gonna have to agree 100% with that statement. and will have to admit i try everything sometimes EVERY possible way before i will actually do it the way i am SUPPOSED to. so i unfortunately assist that statement lol.

Also when you say "How is it helpful to let people you love and care about continue doing things that are self destructive and counter-productive, especially when you know they are capable of so much more?" im gonna have to agree with you there too because if you truly care about someone you would want them to take thier lives down the right path. not towards something like drugs and alcohol.

Furthermore i do NOT think it would be possible either to have a public nationwide discussion or vote maybe? on whats wrong with our economy and how it could be made better. I understand that Every country has criminals, but i feel alot of things the government is doing just makes them want to "hate the cops" or hate the government even more. IE: something thats not just bugging criminals now, but bugging almost EVERYONE. the FACT that the government is ALLOWING cell phones to be made, that they can LISTEN to at ANY given time. i think is just rediculous. cant we have SOME privacy?

I think my generation could be the generation to turn things around. we are alot different then your generation and growing up in what seems like soemthing totally different. but im sure you've heard from you're parents also the " when i was your age" storys LOL.

I think maybe the reson for heading downhill like you said "self-serving individuals in large corporations, and short sighted politicians," along with the president his cabinet and the entire government. i dont follow much on it but i know i havent liked pretty much ANYTHING i have seen lately. im curious to see what will happen also with the next president, and what we will do with the whole iraq situation. clearly i am not a fan of bush. if you havent seen my signature lol.

another thing. NOT just because i am underage. and i DONT believe this can be changed now. but i have been to england before. and the drinking age there is younger. and kids drink there, and use it more like adults. they dont ABUSE it. as thats is just how they grew up. drinking and driving isnt a huge problem. im not sure what it is. but here. if that was ever changed i know TONS of kids who would go right to the store get their booze get drunk and be driving around for sure. im not sure what it is. but over there things are alot different. and not abused.

either way i do hope things turn around here and hopefully once we get new people in congress things will start to turn around for the better.