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10/13/07 9:43 PM

#16179 RE: makersmark #16178

I sense there are some naive Pennystock investors in this stock, and I wish SOMEONE would have alerted me many lost dollars ago to how stupid I was to believe the bull$$$T that companies like CoMedia continue to spew at the expense of retail investors.

For those of you who WANT SO DESPERATELY to believe that your lost dollars are somehow STILL in a good investment, or investing even at these prices absolutely HAS to be a better investment now that you can pick this stock up for mere cents ... (mere FRACTIONS of a cent sooner than what you can imagine, most likely, unless some wazoo news comes out that promises some generous revenues that will translate into profits prior to the year 3,000) ... place yourself in the mind of an abused housewife with seven kids who constantly lets her husband beat her and call her every degrading thing you can imagine.

WHY does a woman keep giving in to such abuse? Lot's of reasons, but at her very heart ... she has chosen to BELIEVE that one day her husband will change, and he will become the husband she HOPED to one day have.

Yet statistics overwhelming prove that she will NOT have her dream realized. Rather ... he will continue to abuse her and abuse her until something so terrible happens that she either has a mental breakdown, commits suicide, or in desperation gets into ANOTHER abusive relationship often-times even worse than the one she just got out of.

What has THIS got to do with a company like CMTN? Think about it long and hard, and you may come up with some sobering conclusions that you wouldn't receive from me personally if I gave them to you.

Yep ... I'm a paid basher. I get $.01 an hour for slamming this company. If I reach certain goals with the share price, I will get a couple of more cents per hour bonus.

Yep ... I HATE this company. I used to work for them and they did me wrong and now I'm out to destory them anyway I can.

Yep ... I'm past-related to the CEO and he did me wrong and I'll get "even" any way I have to.

Let's see ... what have I left out? Oh YES! I like to inflict pain on loser pennystock investors simply because I have lost so much money myself on pennystocks that it makes me feel better if I can pass along my pain to other fools just like me.

NOT! None of the above.

From past experience and listening to those wiser than I, I'm just trying to warn anyone thinking that this company is a "diamond in the rough" ... you're going to learn a HARDER lesson YET if you keep believing their lie.

Companies like this one are dime a thousand in Pinksheet land. They have only ONE goal in mind. Make easy money when they can, and if Google or Microsoft should someday realize their awesome potential ... well, "maybe we'll ALL live happily ever after." Uh huh ...

I'll bug off this board because I know I'm not wanted. I might drop back and post again once this stock drops to sub, sub penny. Then again, by THEN, no one will care, will they; not that they care even now? We all have lessons to learn the hard way. This appears to be one of those hard earned lessons for a lot of innocent "virgins."

Sad. Really sad.


10/13/07 9:44 PM

#16180 RE: makersmark #16178

The co. has less than 2M float and your worried about dilution?


10/14/07 11:41 AM

#16198 RE: makersmark #16178

The people that are selling is most definately that Group that is giving the shares to the promoters, the company stock is probably restricted.